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XLPC Warlord

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Everything posted by XLPC Warlord

  1. Gz ob on your 20v20 belt. Gl in the 30v30 and 40v40, looking forward to watching some good videos.
  2. gz OB on your 20v20 belt. Lucky Dlphn wasn't on

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. XLPC Warlord

      XLPC Warlord

      99 magic tonight come to the drop party

    3. WarChild


      poke me brother when u get it

    4. XLPC Warlord

      XLPC Warlord

      few hours till home form work but i got you

  3. Holy brown sticky stuff that looks nice
  4. Doom w/ the #1 seed & still tryin to understand why

    Op didn't even have their main caller @XLPC Warlord for the prep just imagine how ez it wud have been with him 

  6. CD trying to pipe up but switched rivalries real quick after more Ls

    1. Brap


      Sipping on cognac watching OP fade into irrelevance rn lol

    2. chance111


      awe you sad we didn't give you enough attention towards the end? im pretty sure the actual definition is called "being in a slump"

      considering we took our foot off ya neck and decided to run @ envy who pull 3 times as much as your dead clan, yet you STILL somehow managed to close just says it all lmfao. "switched up rivalries" haha!

  7. APEX, SUP, or PX? Honest answers. 8 OP members ready to app/join.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. XLPC Warlord

      XLPC Warlord

      Flawless co-leader went to jail lmao i think that beats inactive ranks @Closing OP. Easy

    3. spy4hire


      I can confirm Flawless closed POP lmfao, i remember POP pulled 80 on opening, next day it was 40 and we smoked POP at ca matched like 4 times lehmao.

    4. Pauna


      Flawless indeed closed pop + bullied sf to lpc and was #1 for 6 months straight 

  8. CD bullied to DMM after pulling tanks and invites all weekend smh some legacy clan lmao

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pauna


      @Enza stop qouting me stalker i honesetly dont care if you die rn stfu k thnx

    3. Kat💖


      @enza looks like we have to pull out the old op leak and kill this guys clan lmfao

    4. Pauna


      Think you should stfu 

  9. CD won't even fight even opts in wildy with scouts + leaks wut makes u think they gonna prep?
  10. See you kids tomorrow. Can't wait for your 100man pull with OB, POP, 3hit, and Destiny. OP got something in store for you tomatoes.
  11. Big surprise for all pure clans this weekend ! 

    If you want to be a big winner join today


    1. NiggV


      i wonder what surprise i wonder...

    2. Pun


      id rather kill myself

    3. G U L F

      G U L F

      Shut up moron noone cares maybe the horse you have as a girl thats about it

  12. @Singles i found your leak btw it's one of your ranks that'll b on this weekend lmao he said u pulling 75 w/ Pop/Ob/3hit in your capes

    1. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      That's cute, come hit us this weekend then @ me please if not then I wil contenue to make sure your clan dosen't pass lvl 3 wildy despite being 3v1'd like last weekend. Pipe the fuck down I heard your teamspeak and the only person worth a damn in your clan is @RyanTheG and @Koldkilla97 and taka left you smark man @TakamuraYui

  13. OB gonna be in Envy capes so it won't work agreed? @Shaka Zulu @Koldkilla97
  14. lmfaooooooo if this dude aint tellin the truth idk what life is
  15. First OB puts on Envy capes and later in the week they put on Doom capes? Hahhahahaha #OBclosed gz OP gz FS

  16. Wasn't there but gz on win i guess
  17. Should've given S/O to IR as well? Seems like they were down, just at a different time..
  18. lmfao bruh go focus on Outlaws plz don't try and come at OP cuz FS is your daddy
  19. Check the sigs and visit the Website brotherin. https://op-rs.net/
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