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Status Updates posted by WarChild

  1. can we all mass train to 39def. ty

  2. Word on the street: RD and OUTBREAK are dogshit lmfaoo.

    VD on top

  3. Word on the street: RD and OUTBREAK are dogshit lmfaoo.

  4. @Fishsticks 


    LMFAO... imagine talking about xlpc when u losing to me.. seems like legacy cant compete 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MAGICfrmda6


      who is that iced ^ 

    3. WarChild


      no idea must be a ly slave picking up flax

    4. jay.


      panthers forever smoking LY shit fucking clan lmfao, bout to show them the fucking treatment this weekend

  5. Legacy lmfao what a shit clan

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TheReal


      Legacy is as ass as aao and doom were lol

    3. Mr. French
    4. Yaz


      14 notifications jesus we really are most hated most active

      Idk why rage tryna pipe up no1 cares about ur weak flame

  6. Can someone tell me why legacy is so shit...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saucey


      Because they think mains will save them, yet their prep records shows otherwise lmfao

    3. Mr. French
    4. TheReal


      Very bad clan

  7. legacy is a shit show...

  8. Mother Wojteks Army 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻

  9. Mother Wojtek is calling u 🐻

  10. Can someone tell me why this CP remake is so shit lmfao

    1. Terror Spokesman
    2. Nos


      Again why are there two cp remakes? What's the point of that.

    3. TBR


      I can’t tell you why, but I totally agree

  11. Can someone tell me why this CP remake is so shit lmfao  

  12. Can someone tell me why this CP remake is so shit lmfao 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tntprodigy


      hey no flame we are a non toxic pure clan fucker

    3. Nos


      Why the fuck are there two cp remakes?

    4. Scims
  13. ly shitty quality clan smh. easiest prep in my life...

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