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Everything posted by ewby

  1. gj grats on the action your gfx looks pretty cool btw
  2. Your app was declined for a reason. Feel free to discuss further on IRC, or better yet find a Counselor+ since I am not on IRC at the moment.
  3. Sucks to see you guys close, gl with where you go and I hope to see some of you join up with Doom Was hella fun fighting you guys a while ago
  4. whoa whoa chill there bud, starting the day off angry is never good the topic has been trashed, not sure why. feel free to PM a Counselor+ on IRC to discuss
  5. Looks like its in 40+ Def aftermath: http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/forum/169-40-def-event-aftermath/
  6. our members are some of the most dedicated in the pure community my dude
  7. good brown sticky stuff my dudes, wish I could have been there
  8. gj, wish I coulda been there tonight
  9. Why is LPC even allowing anything other than 1 defence? Makes no sense, you'll all be closed or HPC within a few months

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Leen


      I'd rather just healthy LPC+HPC scenes because I don't think there is even enough clanners left for 3 lit divisions these days..

    3. Ian


      Lmao it's u hpc clanners who have 20 def.in Lpc

    4. Ibra


      ^^^^^^^^ preach slave

  10. 80 combat is a no no. Keep it at 75 or 78 (Maxed 50 Attack 1 Def 44 prayer) or it will keep getting higher and higher. Trust me, thats how MPC got out of hand and blurred the lines causing every clan to go HPC. Keep LPC a pure scene, don't fuck it up allowing everyone to get defence. It will get out of hand quickly.
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