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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Massed up around 42 big Supremacy Tigers to take on Fatality in a free-to-play preparation war. We managed to take a convincing 3-0 win through great binding and transitions, thanks for the prep Fi! @@Ham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV-0aC3RbGE @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvYBf87hVM0 @X Poo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgJCCPRPFZ0 Supremacy Starting: 32 Supremacy Ending: 24 Fatality Starting: 32 Fatality Ending: 0 Supremacy Starting: 33 Supremacy Ending: 29 Fatality Starting: 33 Fatality Ending: 0 Supremacy Starting: 30 Supremacy Ending: 21 Fatality Starting: 30 Fatality Ending: 0
  2. The fact you are asking that questions leads me to believe you have a subpar understanding of how statistics generally or regression to the mean specifically operates. While I would think it quite, if not very, likely we would pull around 40 people, that does not mean I am in any position to guarantee such a pull going forward. We’ve routinely bounced around for number for months, but I could easily point to a handful of preps both above and below that pull. In the past I’ve not gotten preps with outright minimums. However, I would say both clans SHOULD have a good faith obligation to pull as many people as they can. I know some clans in the past have artificially decreased their prep pulls due to a lack of trust in some members, but I can assure you that IR has not engaged in such behavior.

  3. il update this meme when that happens
  4. sup smoke ir foe smoke apex/eo/mf nothing new to see here folks
  5. lmao didnt u tap out and step down last month? quiet dog
  6. a wilderness fight vs a main clan, what does it look like?
  7. ask a sup rank, we'll give u +5-10
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