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Everything posted by Tova

  1. Why act stupid? Everyone already knows what happened lmfao. Open CCs never work - you're better than that a2v2.
  2. this is the open cc from the fight with lil cards+sv+pd+dk in it lmfao you're not as smart as you think you are
  3. It took you 8 hours to beat 30 people with 75~ in an open CC lmfao I know you didn't write this topic with a straight face
  4. Is Vengeance where most Paragon members went to?
  5. Well Rip. Good luck with whatever you guys do now.
  6. But why that shift from official to unofficial? Irl commitments or
  7. Not sure what measures but if u want traffic from mains on this site then treat mains/pures equally
  8. wish you guys would become main, you have potential
  9. had the feeling you guys wanted mains on here, rip
  10. Always good to see new clans opening up. Best of luck!
  11. Respect to Apex for trying new things. We've had multiple fights with them and all of them have been fun. I see why they are considered as the #1 pure clan by many.
  12. 3 Rounds - 50m each winner - W443


  13. Come solo or as a clan, anybody can win.
  14. 0.7:1 Ratio not EVEN OPTS like pd LMFAO
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