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Status Replies posted by MAGICfrmda6

  1. another huge signing for big daddy cd - welcome back @Buky

  2. another huge signing for big daddy cd - welcome back @Buky

  3. another huge signing for big daddy cd - welcome back @Buky

  4. IMT pulled 30 today and did nothing meanwhile divine and rage had nonstop action HAHAHA

  5. aah yes nice pull imt. 37 pull including 5 lpc accounts. big yikes...

    Rage #1 xLPC btw

  6. Zoom closed blitz lol 

  7. Zoom closed blitz lol 

  8. How s the xlpc looking like ... 

  9. How s the xlpc looking like ... 

  10. How s the xlpc looking like ... 

  11. Why are you running rage @Broxxx?

  12. I might actually be the best pker to ever grace this game

  13. Energy bullied to 12 pures ingame and 30 tanks LMFAO


    easiest rivalry I've ever been in 


    NRFearless S M O K E D 

  14. IMT bringin maxed 70s to xLPC scene so dey cut off username pics when disputin and cry about a lvl 80 hittin dem l000l

  15. IMT bringin maxed 70s to xLPC scene so dey cut off username pics when disputin and cry about a lvl 80 hittin dem l000l

  16. Unbiased but damn IMT got smoked lol 

  17. Join Divine #1 xLPC Clan!

    Disc: https://discord.gg/BJx3DMC

    TS3: divineclan.teamspeak3.com

  18. Super weird a merger clan is piping up to the xLPC Kings of the Wilderness LOL..

    Good luck buying Energy pots in the Ge, IMT had to buy the stock out chasing a bunch of virgs in Divine 


    EASY 2-0 on




  19. free smoke no dave east

  20. Cd bullied from pure scene muwhaha

  21. All this money flowing into my bank account got a nigga craaaazyy 

  22. Getting this bread while y'all still playing runescape 


  23. Getting this bread while y'all still playing runescape 


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