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JaJa Impulse

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Everything posted by JaJa Impulse

  1. Milked some whales deep wild for bank loot and owned pr at gdz, ty all.
  2. it's terrible you clearly didn't put any effort or thought into it and you obviously don't have any experience onto the next hobby
  3. this fight didn't involve rot. rot showed up for about 5 minutes, barraged everybody and left. Meanwhile jaja took on and participated in a return fight against a merged cc of our rival clan + others for over an hour. good try tho, keep sucking them off man maybe you'll have a chance one day
  4. oh you mean following our rivals who we were there to fight? damn bro you got us !
  5. Because we weren't fighting rot? we were fighting our "rivals" who hadn't showed their face in 3 months. Our "rivals" merged a cc with 3 other clans (proof in the .gif at the beginning of the topic) at one point the entire merged cc was cleared and it was rot and jaja remaining. At absolutely no point was it "RoT/DK" left lmfao your trolling attempt was decent tho maybe next time actually be at the event pal so your recap can be slightly more accurate :P
  6. there is not a single clan besides rot who can compete with this jaja rn
  7. this moni guy is getting baited and triggered by random pures hold this L
  8. Got word of SV venturing out on their 1st PK trip above 5 people in 2 months so we logged into their world and they attempted to fight back for around 2 minutes before regretting this decision. After this Anti-JaJa attempted to put all of their braincells together for a combined 10iq to take us on having atleast 5 clans in an open cc (SV/REV/FOE/DK/Open cc) forcing them to suicide for 50 minutes before throwing in the towel. I would say cya soon but from this performance it may be their last. JaJa Starting: 17 JaJa Ending: 40 SV: 0 DK: 0 REV: 0 Pures: 0 Open CC: 0 Kills:
  9. get 2k total and join jaja (new reqs, it's mand)
  10. sv pulls 5 man trips now and goes out twice a week (jaja did this 2 them)
  11. someone step up to the champs (any world any timezone)
  12. not a single one of the clans you have ever joined can stop jaja and not a single one you ever join in the future will either
  13. Got word of a 2K clan bragging about running 2k worlds claiming that they were uncontested so we got some of our strong skillers and ended them with ease whilst walking all over their turf. I'm legit living in @Mario's head rent free. Vid up soon
  14. Sweeped for 8 hours uncontested hunted sv but obviously they can't pull more than 10. (dead league clan)
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