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Everything posted by Rubik

  1. Posting a midweek topic against Vennies = Embarrassing. Then going on to lose all that gp to RAGE = Priceless. Thanks for the AGS & ZGS. 👑🐻

  2. Rage massed up 35 for revenant cave adventure. We killed BP, COB, and tons of vennies before we found FOE out. We started a fight around Dragons and farmed them for over 30 minutes, leaving FO with less than 15 out of their 35 on counter for the vast majority. Around 30minutes in, Team Sweden came in FO's aid, getting spams and only killing Rage. At this point, (fo still below 20 on counter), we took our win and left, not keen on fighting a 1v2 against 126s. Thanks for the AGS and ZGS Fo, donations always appreciated. This is how an actual winning topic should look @Infamous Jet, you wanted us to speak up.
  3. LMAO have you ever seen a more fake ending pic than the FO one: Not a single item on the ground.
  4. Desperate audio leak that shows nothing, after being told to sit and die only 24 hours before. 🤣🤣

    1. Dynamic


      you got told to suicide barrage/chin in 1 item just to be told to not do it anymore because jizzle is still broken from last rag war lmao

    2. Rubik


      Strange Fo was doing the same thing...so irrelevant.

  5. Interesting now do you print it first or just use your screen.....either way you are odd.
  6. Did you make a topic for Saturday which all POV's showing RAGE winning? Yes....Yes you did. At least this shows us pushing you around and on top despite being 30 down. Fucking Hypocrite.
  7. Today, 80 Bears setout to wreck the P2P wilderness, and we did just that. Despite FOM multi-logging mains in their fall in from the start of the trip and outpulling us by a decent few, Rage took the challenge anyway, pushing FOE from Boneyard to FOG, getting several full clears, and even a nice GWAS outside newgate and inside GDZ hut. I would give a play by play but there was just too much action. The pics/vids will speak for themselves. Better luck next week, FOE. - - Pictures Below
  8. We enjoy dictating the spam clans trips. RAGE #1 👑🐻

  9. When your POV's dont match what your aftermath says 😬. Yikes Fo is desperate for a League Verified Topic at any cost, including total embarrassment. 

  10. I love that the Fo POV's are 5 mins of spamming at the end, and show RAGE on top of them the remainder of the vid. Also contradict what their members are posting. Claiming we ran, when we dragging them north, and then they run to CA telespot shouting RAGE cleared?? @Final Ownage Elite Can you explain why your own POV's don't back up your aftermath and what your members are saying, or are they asked to suicide on here too.
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