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Donald Trump - He Who Unites Us


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Nationalism How's nationalism treating the UK and Philipines? What's that you say? It's fearmongering and hatred? Hmm
End of Political Correctness This is a good thing?
End of Biased, Corrupt Mainstream Media (think CNN, aka Clinton News Network) Donald Trump utilizing Russian hacked emails to manipulate media, or flatly lying about his positions is preferable?
The survival of the traditional, nuclear family If I'm being honest, I wish your family aborted you. Fuck the nuclear family
Free speech Unless you're Mexican, Muslim, a woman, or perhaps you just want to make mentally unstable folks undergo a background check before they procure assault rifles
Controlled borders Economic studies show immigration through the Mexican border has stimulated our economy - Here is an article from a respected source - http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2014/12/02/How-Immigrants-Boost-US-Economic-Growth
Influx of jobs The last Repuclican candidate put us in a recession and unemployment rose drastically. Obama's administration has decreased unemployment each year
Lower Taxes Not sure why we all think the rich should be paying less taxes. I say that as a wealthy person. Warren Buffet pays 16%. His secretary pays more in taxes. Riddle me that.
Less government regulation How about more government regulation, and maybe we could reel in firearms and curb gun crimes. Or do we only want regulation when an EXTREMIST MUSLIM is the culprit?
End of the elite establishment (bankers, politicians, celebrities) Coming from the man who inherited his wealth and grew it at less than the rate of our GDP, this is hilarious. The guy is a reality show celebrity who was lucky enough to be born into his riches. 
Law and order Unless you're black, Mexican, Arab, or some other God-hating minority. This is a candidate without any tangible plan. But hey, the 2nd ammendment must be under seige.
And more Right...



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I'm not a fan of Hillary by any means but at least she's capable of being president. Trump is an unstable egomaniac, and it scares the brown sticky stuff out of me that he's a presidential nominee and he has the following that he does. Trump doesn't have the judgement, the temperament, nor the understanding among other things to occupy the most powerful position in the world.


Obama said it best: "I think I was right and Mitt Romney and John McCain were wrong on certain policy issues, but I never thought that they couldn't do the job. And had they won, I would have been disappointed, but I would have said to all Americans 'This is our president, and I know they're going to abide by certain norms and rules and common sense, will observe basic decency, will have enough knowledge about economic policy and foreign policy, and our constitutional traditions and rule of law, that our government will work' ... but that's not the situation here, and that's not just my opinion: that is the opinion of many prominent Republicans. There has to come a point in which you say, 'enough'."


I think this election is gonna set the Republican party back so far. Out of all the Republican governors, senators etc. they come up with Donald Trump as their presidential candidate? The Republican party is fucked and even they're starting to realize it


It really is a classic giant douche vs turd sandwhich election this year lol. South Park pretty much nailed it if any of you have been keeping up with the new season:

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Nationalism How's nationalism treating the UK and Philipines? What's that you say? It's fearmongering and hatred? Hmm

End of Political Correctness This is a good thing?

End of Biased, Corrupt Mainstream Media (think CNN, aka Clinton News Network) Donald Trump utilizing Russian hacked emails to manipulate media, or flatly lying about his positions is preferable?

The survival of the traditional, nuclear family If I'm being honest, I wish your family aborted you. Fuck the nuclear family

Free speech Unless you're Mexican, Muslim, a woman, or perhaps you just want to make mentally unstable folks undergo a background check before they procure assault rifles

Controlled borders Economic studies show immigration through the Mexican border has stimulated our economy - Here is an article from a respected source - http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2014/12/02/How-Immigrants-Boost-US-Economic-Growth

Influx of jobs The last Repuclican candidate put us in a recession and unemployment rose drastically. Obama's administration has decreased unemployment each year

Lower Taxes Not sure why we all think the rich should be paying less taxes. I say that as a wealthy person. Warren Buffet pays 16%. His secretary pays more in taxes. Riddle me that.

Less government regulation How about more government regulation, and maybe we could reel in firearms and curb gun crimes. Or do we only want regulation when an EXTREMIST MUSLIM is the culprit?

End of the elite establishment (bankers, politicians, celebrities) Coming from the man who inherited his wealth and grew it at less than the rate of our GDP, this is hilarious. The guy is a reality show celebrity who was lucky enough to be born into his riches. 

Law and order Unless you're black, Mexican, Arab, or some other God-hating minority. This is a candidate without any tangible plan. But hey, the 2nd ammendment must be under seige.

And more Right...




- Nationalism was a leading cause of Brexit so I would say the UK is doing just fine.  I can't speak to the Philippines*, but I do know their president actually has a backbone.

- When I can't come out as a Trump supporter for fear of my reputation and safety, it is absolutely a bad thing.

"Russian hacked emails" LOL someone's an avid Washington Post reader.  You're that gullible, huh?  You're not even denying the validity and severity of the emails.  That says everything right there.

- If I'm being honest, I wish you had the balls to say that to my face.  Stick to your safe spaces, kiddo.

- Western women, especially western white women, have never been as privileged as they are today.  A woman can get away scot-free for saying the same thing a man would be jailed for.

- You realize your article is about LEGAL immigration - something nobody has opposed - right?

- The unemployment rate peaked in 2009 and 2010, so you're wrong again

- Did I say lower taxes, or did I say lower taxes for the wealthy?  Please go check and let me know.

- Do you honestly believe criminals wouldn't find ways to get their hands on guns whether it's legal or not?  The illegality of marijuana use has really curbed overall marijuana use!!!  Guns don't kill people dumbass, people do.

- You really think a man who inherited some* of his wealth is a bigger threat to the people than the establishment?  I really don't think you understand the difference here.

- Spend a weekend in the downtrodden areas of Chicago and get back to me on whether law and order is important.  Hopefully you won't find yourself in the crossfire of gang violence, which is responsible for a large majority of the 3,389 people shot to date.  And that's just one city.

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grats on being very cauliflower (expected from someone who formerly led one of the worst clans of all time that hasn't accomplished a single notable thing under his 'reign')




@Mods pls move this to some ignorant blind faith section




I'm greatly humbled that you know who I am after all these years.  I wish I could say the same about you.

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IMO the real villain of these elections are the DNC and democrats in general for their shortsightedness for not electing sanders who could, on a 1v1 against trump, unite democrats, progessives, and the less radical right wing elements. Instead what you have is an extreme right wing trump against hillary who is also more of less the same.. just a bit more diplomatic

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- Nationalism was a leading cause of Brexit so I would say the UK is doing just fine.  I can't speak to the Philippines*, but I do know their president actually has a backbone.

- When I can't come out as a Trump supporter for fear of my reputation and safety, it is absolutely a bad thing.

"Russian hacked emails" LOL someone's an avid Washington Post reader.  You're that gullible, huh?  You're not even denying the validity and severity of the emails.  That says everything right there.

- If I'm being honest, I wish you had the balls to say that to my face.  Stick to your safe spaces, kiddo.

- Western women, especially western white women, have never been as privileged as they are today.  A woman can get away scot-free for saying the same thing a man would be jailed for.

- You realize your article is about LEGAL immigration - something nobody has opposed - right?

- The unemployment rate peaked in 2009 and 2010, so you're wrong again

- Did I say lower taxes, or did I say lower taxes for the wealthy?  Please go check and let me know.

- Do you honestly believe criminals wouldn't find ways to get their hands on guns whether it's legal or not?  The illegality of marijuana use has really curbed overall marijuana use!!!  Guns don't kill people dumbass, people do.

- You really think a man who inherited some* of his wealth is a bigger threat to the people than the establishment?  I really don't think you understand the difference here.

- Spend a weekend in the downtrodden areas of Chicago and get back to me on whether law and order is important.  Hopefully you won't find yourself in the crossfire of gang violence, which is responsible for a large majority of the 3,389 people shot to date.  And that's just one city.

- Brexit is economically crippling and the impact will be felt for decades, not just today. But you can look at the currency market to see current impact. Their president is a vigilante endorsing fascist. "Backbone" ok

- You should be embarrassed but not fearful to come out as a trump supporter. And last I checked, it was the trump supporters getting violent at the rallies. 

- The validity of the emails is absolutely in question. Example #1: the Russian writer who claimed his writing was falsely published as a "clinton email"

- Leave it to a Trump supporter to start the threats. I would say it to your face and laugh as you got mad and spat out some rhetoric about making the country great again

- A man would get jailed for saying something a woman could? You are so disillusioned, that's a typical bombastic Trump supporter-esque statement. Show me evidence.

- I picked one article, there are ample to show the benefits of immigration, both legal and illegal. Feel free to peruse. 

- You're correct there, I did misspeak. More jobs were created each year of Obama's presidency. As far unemployment peaking, there is ample evidence that political decisions take years to be felt. Look at where our economy is now compared to when Obama took office. I rest my case.

- So poor people should have lower taxes? How do you overcome a massive government budget deficit if you're going to lower taxes? Get rid of planned parenthood? Trump's plan leaves a 300 billion dollar deficit. Let's raise taxes, and increase the quality of government.

- Guns don't kill people? Typical. You might not cure aids by distributing condoms but you sure as hell would stem the epidemic. You can't fix gun violence but we still have a responsibility to respond to the crisis. People die every day. Don't tell me guns aren't an issue. You would be a moron to think that. Comparing the legality of a recreational drug like marijuana to owning an assault rifle is apples and murderous oranges.

- I was born in Chicago, to add to the absolute irony of your post. I live in the wealthy suburbs of NYC now. We out here, we made it!


But yeah, you are an incredibly typical ill-informed fixate-on-the-wrong-issues type of pseudo politician. I form my political ideology around improving quality of life, protection of rights, and economic principles. You form yours on protect us from immigrants, defend gun rights, and Hillary is a crooked product of DC. That is the difference. Good luck with your vote. 

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i'm not going to type out things that you can google or search wikipedia and the various sources within, you can do that yourself.


neither candidate provides a platform for actual issues like human rights, climate change, military spending, and true healthcare reform to emerge. Senator Clinton is not an exciting candidate. Donald Trump is exciting because of terrible, terrible reasons and American ignorance. i'm in disbelief this election is where it is now.


The entire RNC is shattered. I'm doing a construction job for the RNC Chairwoman of Delaware. I think the woman is a cunt, THEY think Trump is a cunt. We can't agree with each other on anything but that. There has never been a more polarizing vote in election history and when one of the nominees doesn't have the support of his house and should never have gone farther than being a wildcard at best, why on earth do you think ignorance and lack of expertise at the head of the most powerful country on earth is a good idea.

You're in construction like a fucking uneducated moron, you don't deserve to have your opinion heard you damn hillbilly

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- Brexit is economically crippling and the impact will be felt for decades, not just today. But you can look at the currency market to see current impact. Their president is a vigilante endorsing fascist. "Backbone" ok

- You should be embarrassed but not fearful to come out as a trump supporter. And last I checked, it was the trump supporters getting violent at the rallies. 

- The validity of the emails is absolutely in question. Example #1: the Russian writer who claimed his writing was falsely published as a "clinton email"

- Leave it to a Trump supporter to start the threats. I would say it to your face and laugh as you got mad and spat out some rhetoric about making the country great again

- A man would get jailed for saying something a woman could? You are so disillusioned, that's a typical bombastic Trump supporter-esque statement. Show me evidence.

- I picked one article, there are ample to show the benefits of immigration, both legal and illegal. Feel free to peruse. 

- You're correct there, I did misspeak. More jobs were created each year of Obama's presidency. As far unemployment peaking, there is ample evidence that political decisions take years to be felt. Look at where our economy is now compared to when Obama took office. I rest my case.

- So poor people should have lower taxes? How do you overcome a massive government budget deficit if you're going to lower taxes? Get rid of planned parenthood? Trump's plan leaves a 300 billion dollar deficit. Let's raise taxes, and increase the quality of government.

- Guns don't kill people? Typical. You might not cure aids by distributing condoms but you sure as hell would stem the epidemic. You can't fix gun violence but we still have a responsibility to respond to the crisis. People die every day. Don't tell me guns aren't an issue. You would be a moron to think that. Comparing the legality of a recreational drug like marijuana to owning an assault rifle is apples and murderous oranges.

- I was born in Chicago, to add to the absolute irony of your post. I live in the wealthy suburbs of NYC now. We out here, we made it!


But yeah, you are an incredibly typical ill-informed fixate-on-the-wrong-issues type of pseudo politician. I form my political ideology around improving quality of life, protection of rights, and economic principles. You form yours on protect us from immigrants, defend gun rights, and Hillary is a crooked product of DC. That is the difference. Good luck with your vote. 


- You don't seem to understand how economics works.  OF COURSE the economy was going to take a hit after Brexit

- See below

- Try again: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4274Just one of tens of thousands

- Leave it to a Hillary supporter to distort the truth.  Keep telling yourself that to help relieve your crippling self-esteem

- See below

- Controlled borders does not mean banning legal immigration.  Are you really too cauliflower to understand the difference?

- Thanks, you just unknowingly made the case for Brexit.  Dumbass

- Donald Trump has said repeatedly that we will renegotiate nearly all of the trade deals that we are getting killed on.  You know how this works, right?

- Guns ARE in the hands of the wrong people.  And that is precisely why good, hard-working Americans need to be able to protect themselves.  This simple concept seems to be too difficult for a radical liberal to understand


Enjoy these videos that you'll NEVER see on the mainstream media.  There are many more where these came from, but I trust that you're able to do a related search to find those.




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I rarely bother with this type of thing but this is just garbage


- Brexit is economically crippling and the impact will be felt for decades, not just today. But you can look at the currency market to see current impact. Their president is a vigilante endorsing fascist. "Backbone" ok

- You should be embarrassed but not fearful to come out as a trump supporter. And last I checked, it was the trump supporters getting violent at the rallies. 

- The validity of the emails is absolutely in question. Example #1: the Russian writer who claimed his writing was falsely published as a "clinton email"

- Leave it to a Trump supporter to start the threats. I would say it to your face and laugh as you got mad and spat out some rhetoric about making the country great again

- A man would get jailed for saying something a woman could? You are so disillusioned, that's a typical bombastic Trump supporter-esque statement. Show me evidence.

- I picked one article, there are ample to show the benefits of immigration, both legal and illegal. Feel free to peruse. 

- You're correct there, I did misspeak. More jobs were created each year of Obama's presidency. As far unemployment peaking, there is ample evidence that political decisions take years to be felt. Look at where our economy is now compared to when Obama took office. I rest my case.

- So poor people should have lower taxes? How do you overcome a massive government budget deficit if you're going to lower taxes? Get rid of planned parenthood? Trump's plan leaves a 300 billion dollar deficit. Let's raise taxes, and increase the quality of government.

- Guns don't kill people? Typical. You might not cure aids by distributing condoms but you sure as hell would stem the epidemic. You can't fix gun violence but we still have a responsibility to respond to the crisis. People die every day. Don't tell me guns aren't an issue. You would be a moron to think that. Comparing the legality of a recreational drug like marijuana to owning an assault rifle is apples and murderous oranges.

- I was born in Chicago, to add to the absolute irony of your post. I live in the wealthy suburbs of NYC now. We out here, we made it!


But yeah, you are an incredibly typical ill-informed fixate-on-the-wrong-issues type of pseudo politician. I form my political ideology around improving quality of life, protection of rights, and economic principles. You form yours on protect us from immigrants, defend gun rights, and Hillary is a crooked product of DC. That is the difference. Good luck with your vote.

-Brexit is economically crippling and the impact will be felt for decades, not just today. But you can look at the currency market to see current impact.


No it isn’t. Market fluctuations are responding to uncertainty because the UK has yet to activate article 50 or renegotiate trade deals with the EU member states. Trade is a 2 way street and any attempt to “punish†the UK for leaving the EU will hurt them equally if not more since the UK is a more stable trading partner. The long term will outweigh the short term as their primary and manufacturing industries can become competitive again without the EU economic regulations, nor will they have to prop up or bail out increasingly garbage tier economies of brown sticky stuffty countries like Greece, Spain, Romania, Croatia, etc. I’m not even going to expand on the anti democracy, racist, culture destroying nature of the EU, but by itself, the economics of Brexit will end up favouring the UK.


- And last I checked, it was the trump supporters getting violent at the rallies. 



no it isn’t. outside of cherrypicked 1 on 1’s between people who are both inciting violence, there is nothing on the scale of Laraza/blacks at Trump rallies and Dindu Nuffin BLM looting lynch mobs targeting people for their race/political beliefs.



- The validity of the emails is absolutely in question. Example #1: the Russian writer who claimed his writing was falsely published as a "clinton email"


No it isn’t, broccoli.



There have been months of congressional hearings and FBI investigations as to whether the hack was due to Hillary’s negligence or if there was criminal intent in her using a private server for her government job. The emails are all legit, and there is no proof of Russian involvement in the hacking. What there is proof of, is that the person who worked in IT at the DNC, and who was alleged to be the DNC leak by Julian Assange, ended up being killed.



- I picked one article, there are ample to show the benefits of immigration, both legal and illegal. Feel free to peruse. 


Illegal immigration is a total net negative by virtue of being uncontrollable. If you have nothing stopping anyone who wants to come and leech off of the wealth, overwhelm the social safety net, and undercut the labour force of your country you literally don’t have a country.

persue isn't a word.


-Guns don't kill people? Typical. You might not cure aids by distributing condoms but you sure as hell would stem the epidemic.


This is a broccolied attempt at making an analogy.

Also, the most criminal gun deaths are in the areas with the strictest gun regulation.


I omitted a large part of what you wrote and I’m not going to argue those points because they’re either unintelligible or a matter of opinion. I corrected what you’re factually wrong on.

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I rarely bother with this type of thing but this is just garbage



-Brexit is economically crippling and the impact will be felt for decades, not just today. But you can look at the currency market to see current impact.


No it isn’t. Market fluctuations are responding to uncertainty because the UK has yet to activate article 50 or renegotiate trade deals with the EU member states. Trade is a 2 way street and any attempt to “punish†the UK for leaving the EU will hurt them equally if not more since the UK is a more stable trading partner. The long term will outweigh the short term as their primary and manufacturing industries can become competitive again without the EU economic regulations, nor will they have to prop up or bail out increasingly garbage tier economies of brown sticky stuffty countries like Greece, Spain, Romania, Croatia, etc. I’m not even going to expand on the anti democracy, racist, culture destroying nature of the EU, but by itself, the economics of Brexit will end up favouring the UK.


- And last I checked, it was the trump supporters getting violent at the rallies. 



no it isn’t. outside of cherrypicked 1 on 1’s between people who are both inciting violence, there is nothing on the scale of Laraza/blacks at Trump rallies and Dindu Nuffin BLM looting lynch mobs targeting people for their race/political beliefs.



- The validity of the emails is absolutely in question. Example #1: the Russian writer who claimed his writing was falsely published as a "clinton email"


No it isn’t, broccoli.



There have been months of congressional hearings and FBI investigations as to whether the hack was due to Hillary’s negligence or if there was criminal intent in her using a private server for her government job. The emails are all legit, and there is no proof of Russian involvement in the hacking. What there is proof of, is that the person who worked in IT at the DNC, and who was alleged to be the DNC leak by Julian Assange, ended up being killed.



- I picked one article, there are ample to show the benefits of immigration, both legal and illegal. Feel free to peruse. 


Illegal immigration is a total net negative by virtue of being uncontrollable. If you have nothing stopping anyone who wants to come and leech off of the wealth, overwhelm the social safety net, and undercut the labour force of your country you literally don’t have a country.

persue isn't a word.


-Guns don't kill people? Typical. You might not cure aids by distributing condoms but you sure as hell would stem the epidemic.


This is a broccolied attempt at making an analogy.

Also, the most criminal gun deaths are in the areas with the strictest gun regulation.


I omitted a large part of what you wrote and I’m not going to argue those points because they’re either unintelligible or a matter of opinion. I corrected what you’re factually wrong on.

got to the part where a trump supporter counter-protested black lives matter, and got whooped, and implied that's related to the dems.


good day, and good luck making your life great again. 

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got to the part where a trump supporter counter-protested black lives matter, and got whooped, and implied that's related to the dems.

imagine my surprise that an ape could only pay attention to the violent video portion of my response

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