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Donald Trump - He Who Unites Us


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MODS: I request that you do NOT move this post, as this is one of the most high traffic sections on this site.


Hello, everyone. I ask that you put aside your feelings towards me for just this post - if you don't know me that's even better because the message is of far greater importance than the deliverer.


I also ask that you put aside your feelings towards each other aside for just this post. For some reason, I doubt it'll happen, but I'll try nonetheless. If it wasn't clear, this means forget that you hate the poster because he's in clan X for just one post.


Why? Because as the title indicates, this post is about Donald Trump's quest for presidency against all odds, and by extension THE FUTURE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Yes, those of you in Europe WILL be affected by this election one way or another whether you realize it or not. However, I'd be lying if I said Americans wouldn't be hit first and hit hardest by a Hillary Clinton presidency.


Every topic on this site seems to consist of regurgitated autism these days, but my hope is that it'll be mitigated as much as possible on this topic. It would help if there was somehow a reply restriction for 18 year olds and older only, but perhaps the junior high and high school folks will surprise us.


I've now put together four paragraphs prefacing this post to ward off the trolls - because, you know, this is about the future of America, which you'd hope would take precedence over a GAME (inb4 "Runeskep is life, hurr durr look at me!")


I wanted to write a very lengthy explanation detailing why this election is so incredibly important because I know many of you don't regularly follow politics, and there's nothing wrong with that. However, I feel that this community would respond better to something short and sweet, AND there are far more informed and articulate resources out there than me in which I'd prefer you would read up on.


The gist is this: if you couldn't tell by the debates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have very different visions of America. Here is a rundown of what you'd be voting for by voting each candidate.


If you cast a vote for Donald Trump you are voting for:



End of Political Correctness

End of Biased, Corrupt Mainstream Media (think CNN, aka Clinton News Network)

The survival of the traditional, nuclear family

Free speech

Controlled borders

Influx of jobs

Lower Taxes

Less government regulation

End of the elite establishment (bankers, politicians, celebrities)

Law and order

And more


If you cast a vote for Hillary Clinton you are voting for:



Open borders

An amnesty to tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, thereby ensuring a Republican NEVER gets elected again


Faux Feminism

Safe spaces


Black Lives Matter violence

A shill who has helped fund ISIS - a terrorist organization if you were unaware

A shill who has taken money from donors for personal use rather than charity


Chronic, shameless liar

Risk to our national security (heard of all those deleted emails?)


And more


If you think I'm exaggerating, think again. All of these things won't happen overnight - some may take years to come to fruition. But they will.


If you are an American of voting age, PLEASE get out and vote. I apologize for the lack of notice here, but the voter registration deadline for many states is TODAY, OCTOBER 11TH, so register NOW. Your vote matters, especially in pivotal swing states such as Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Colorado.


I'm not home right now, otherwise I would provide the link to register to vite online for every state. A little Google search for your state's link shouldn't be too difficult.


I'd be happy to answer any serious questions anyone might have when I have time. If you'd like more information on the election or want to follow the latest here are sources I recommend:


Reddit.com/the_donald (obviously, there is bias in here, but users typically pull from legitimate independent sources as opposed to left and far left leaning Washington post, New York Times, CNN, etc.)

Breitbart News

Drudge Report

Return Of Kings

Mike Cernovich Twitter account


One last point: the elite establishment will maintain power and wealth for as long as the "peasants" allow them to be. It's time to take America back, for the people.


Please keep this as troll-free as possible, I don't give a fuck what Runescape.com clan you're in. I care about the future generations of America - yes, if you live in America, YOU are in that category.


Inb4 0 ask, <clan X> always wins, and whatever other excuse you come up with to avoid having to undertake the HUGE burden of thinking.


Thank you.

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Trumps a pedophile


he touches little children


you support pedophiles tomato


did not read, it's not surprising in the least an ncredible [R]etard is voting for a paedophilic, bigoted, xenophobic daddy's boy tho

Source? I guess when it comes to choosing between someone who purportedly said "mean things", and a repeat criminal and r4p3 apologist you gotta keep the vote away from the "mean" guy!! ./logic
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Keep in mind that whatever you "hear" about Trump likely comes from a pathetic, dying news source like CNN or New York Times. Did you know these corporations happen to also pump hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars into Clinton's campaign? Oops, you're not supposed to know that.

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