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Zenith's Sunday: 120 Mountain Men Dominate the Pure Community and Destroy Legacy


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3 hours ago, Elve said:





Yesterday after that embarrassing singles trip by Legacy we hoped today they would muster something up and fight us. We massed up 115 Zenith Pures and later peaked at 120 Zenith Warriors for our P2P Sunday. We ended up having one of our best P2P Trips ever, We absolutely demolished every clan who came near us and ended with the most action and ended sunday as #1.

Our rivals pulled 47..... 47 People.





Zenith vs Onslaught / Blunt Pures / Fatality / Final Ownage Elites / Rage / Legacy / Apex

We heard a fight was about to go down between Onslaught & Blunt Pures. We quickly came from the east and started barraging through both clans. We cleared up BP and then OG. Fatality logged in east of us and we instantly rushed them and caught them in massive clumps along the lava, We cleared up FI when Final Ownage Elites rushed us from the west. We instantly turned around and wrapped around FOE. FOE started teleporting out when Legacy rushed from the north. We focused north near the pond and cleared up all the Legacy ingame. Once LY was cleared we killed everything at CA and held the return spot clearing every single clan. We pushed Apex & Final Ownage Elites to boneyard where we caught them in massive clumps and cleared them up. Once both clans were cleared we quickly looted and teleported to edgeville after clearing every clan.


Zenith vs Hydra / Final Ownage Elites / Supremacy / Legacy

We heard a couple clans moved to bandits, We quickly logged in and found a bunch of clans. We started hitting Hydra who was inside bandit camp and made them teleport. We then found FOE across the lava and started barraging them out. FOE ran west into singles. We pulled east to bandits and waited. Supremacy rushed from the southwest but quickly held singles. We logged west of them and hopped to them and barraged them up and cleared them up. Once SUP was cleared we hit LY in singles then teleported to edge and flamed them.


Zenith vs Valor / Blunt Pures / Apex / Legacy / Fatality / Final Ownage Elites

We heard Valor and Blunt Pures were fighting at CA, We rushed from the north and instantly started hitting both clans. We cleared them up and Onslaught rushed from the west we turned around on them and escorted them to edgeville. We then pulled Northeast and started fighting Apex for some time. Legacy rushed from the west and we turned our attention to our rivals and murdered through them. We forced them to teleport out and we turned back around on Apex. Fatality was rushing from the north we caught them in clumps and started fighting for some time before FOE rushed and we teleported to bank.


Zenith vs Valor / Onslaught / Apex / Fatality / Final Ownage Elites

We heard Valor was fighting Onslaught at CA, We logged in north and started hitting both clans. They teleported out instantly and we followed them. We heard a couple other clans were coming so we re rushed the world and found Apex & Final Ownage Elites northwest of sperm. We started hitting both clans. Fatality came from the east and we pulled northwest and started clearing up Fatality instead. FI teleported out and we started fighting FOE. We heard a couple clans were about to crash so we cleared up FOE and teleported to bank.


We fought FOE at CA for several minutes super clean with us in complete control, FOE pulled east and ran into BP. FOE teleported out and we found BP east. We started blowing up BP east and pulled back west into the tree's west. FOE ran into Rage west and started fighting them. We found LY and hit them. Once we cleared them up, We stayed on LY until they teleported out. We followed them to the bank and sat on their remaining 35 Members until they ended.

Zenith Ended with 100 Pures.

Legashit Ended with 35 Pures.


@Fatal You actually thought.













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