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Compare each clan to a country


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I'll start:


EoP - Soviet Russia: Kings of propaganda and at times a force to be reckoned with. Hates America.


FOE - England: Rich history, at one point owning 3/4 of the world most of what we learnt was shaped by MM and them but doesn't have nearly as much influence as it did back then.


Redemption - USA: Newbundle of twigs country with a short history and home to many obese retards who seem to do whatever they want (freeeedom -.-). But have built what was nothing into one of the leading world powers. They start too many wars though which will eventually lead to their demise.


TLP - Canada: Everyone loves them except from Bulgaria (they have the same flag in this metaphor just run with it). Doesn't step on anyone's toes and isn't really too much of a threat to the leading world powers.


CP - China: I mean sure, you could be powerful, but you occupy your time worrying about other brown sticky stuff like making us toilet seats.


Supremacy - Bulgaria: idk just felt right.


ZU - Australia: I mean sure you had something great at one point but at the end of the day you're just convicts.


LT - India: Need I say anymore?

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EoP - Saudi Arabia. Self Explanatory.
FOE - France, full of potato mashers


Redemption - Some potato masher ass country like Poland,  with no history


TLP - Canada: They're nice guys


CP - America, smart usain bolts


Supremacy - India, all cauliflower and eat their own brown sticky stuff


ZU - Australia: you'll always be england's bitch convict


LT - Afghanistan, 2nd world country


englands bitch convicts that are better than the english, I like it. America as smart usain bolts, the only smart usain bolts are the ones that stay away from your dumb ass white usain bolts.

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