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Tier 1 Robots in disguise


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Topic written by Ariel

On Sunday, We told our members to take a break to train or skill or do whatever they do on a Sunday afternoon since we don't normally go out on Sundays and everyone who did stay was in for quite the treat!


Since Tier 1 is full of brilliant masterminds and evil geniuses, we came up with the idea of that what if we didn't help any of the clans but helped them all at the same time?




We pulled 12 STRONG Tier One Operatives and put the Team Capes of every clan and walked with pride to the wilderness to smash our competitors from the inside out!



We started off with Olympus capes on our backs as they were the first clan we got a location on. We waited in single zone with our 12 CORE and sat there until the mass amount of Olympians got into battle. Then a battle commenced between the Brave Olympians and the Fierce Critical Damagians and we mushed to the heat of the fight! We logged in during the war and immediately made camp on the Olympus side and sniped who we could from the back but unfortunately they were pushed to single so we had to act fast! We quickly changed our capes and pushed our 12 core to the side of the Critical Damagians to avoid any further damage and initiated on them from behind the cluster and they started to drop 1 by 1 to our strong 12 core.


That fight quickly increased in size as the MIGHTY DOOM rushed with a large amount of people so, again, with the swiftness of our clicks we quickly put the cape of DOOM on our backs and dragged behind them while sniping them as well!



Now I'm not going to sit here and tell you about every fight like i did that first one but i felt that since it was the first one of the day, it should be shared. After that everyone regrouped on their own time and continued to battle through the afternoon as we sniped back and forth between the three clans. 


One part though that I must mention that took place at the ditch when the MIGHTY DOOM and the Fierce Critical Damagians were having spam wars each claiming that they were better then each other, little did they know Tier 1 was there with their core 12 sitting waiting in the Critical Damagians fall in waiting to pounce. After a short while the Fierce Critical Damagians rushed north to escape the snipe of the MIGHTY DOOM from level 1, we were patiently waiting for them to reach level 10 wilderness where we were able to get a right click on the fall in leader and quickly without hesitation made him bow as hit Hitpoints hit 0. Now we expected to quickly be vanquished but their teamspeak was full of chaos and screaming and shouting and we were able to make it to the ditch without any loss of the core 12.


I'm not really sure if we will be performing such sneaky brilliant actions again but i can tell you that it was the greatest chain of events ever to hit the wilderness.


Thanks so much for taking the time to read my topic about our fabulous sunday pk trip! Till the next event i write a topic about. Please enjoy our video below!!




P.S. Even if i knew if we would do this again, I WOULDNT TELL YOU





Hit Spoiler to see our screenshots!










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