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Push North

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Everything posted by Push North

  1. my clan is going to rag and close your clan now sir GL sunday
  2. lmao you telling me the KO lot are in bp ?
  3. didnt you recently get dox'd? stop talking to me before i rag ur clan every weekend
  4. seems as if BP are very heated and insecure of terminal - from what i seen they only flame 2 of ur members ? anyway come fight bigger boys
  5. This was said beautifully couldn't agree more - respected BP more than this now its all gone
  6. it seems as if you are trying to rag a smaller clan? you guys use to fight my clan and bigger clans but now moved to lower tier because you got slaved? lmao
  7. no way rage lied about a mini????????????? @Jordai input please
  8. l000000000000000000l Zenith at the lowest point
  9. lol scims get out of here stop picking on smaller clans we need to focus after sunday ourselves GJ terminal looks like SF avoiding
  10. Yo retard get off pure forums you aint ever being allowed here
  11. damn RS took a beating GJ terminal and co
  12. mad hype over a mini you man need to step up if you wanna play up top l0l
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