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Everything posted by Corn_husker

  1. rage you also used 70s, + you had 5 opts on us .. at one point u were up 11 kills and still lost. GF though respect for action.
  2. damn my nigga Will a community events manager
  3. IMT - COTM winners, first to 200 winners, Divine slumpers

  4. Rage had more overheads than Imt (unbiased prospective viewing from orb while receiving head irl)
  5. First to 200 winners down ~5 opts the entire time. Gj Immortal. Sad to see Divine becoming an actual snipe team lmao
  6. Divinity or whatever they’re called choked all 3 rounds l0l @Sharkbrew Warrior
  7. Easy Clan of the Month win for Immortal. Honestly wondering who those Divinity guys are and why they thought they could compete LMAO

  8. Welcome to the clanning scene @Divine I would @mention your ranks’ names but I seriously have never heard of any of them
  9. Looks like Divine tried to what IMT has been doing for the past 2 months and ended up getting cleared when they crashed your fight LMAO
  10. Looks like IMT bullies the rats again lol... those clans bringing mains are a yikes. You will regret it if you continue to do so btw
  11. Imagine 2 shit clans (divine and energy) hiding in the fucking Varrock Sewer on a Saturday, teaming on IMT, and still losing l00l

  12. I turned on my autoclicker for about 2 minutes straight on those shitters sitting in the corner of sewers lmfao 18-2 kdr today personally btw ty divine and energy
  13. Wow just got back from getting head for the past year and a half and I see clans still copying everything CP does lmfao. Kiss the ring.

  14. Looks like IMT was out getting head and working at their 100k+ salary jobs
  15. Just watched the vid. Literally both clans teamed on you guys and still lost... that’s a yikes from me LOL
  16. Unbiased perspective it looks like you guys were flat out #1. Not sure who that yellow caped clan is but they literally got bullied lol. Xlpc looks fun tho, GJ IMT
  17. Holy justin beiber u guys still play this game l000l
  18. Holy brown sticky stuff without CP this community really is stale/dead af lol. All that’s left is literally a bunch of betas running clans with Foe/Eop circle jerking eachother on these forums l0l, I can’t imagine the weekend trips for u guys lmfao you all probably bend the knee irl

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blue
    3. JoJo


      CP closed get over it reject 

    4. Corn_husker


      @JoJo you’re 23, no career, and have a brown sticky stuff ton of acne scars lmfao why are u still on runescape dot com 

  19. Clanning/RS is dead m8. Could you actually imagine spending 6+ hours a weekend going on trips that are filled with cancer and clans led by beta males irl (literally look at the rank structure of every current clan lmfao) that nobody will remember in 2-3 weeks? Feels good getting head irl while making moves
  20. Holy brown sticky stuff clanning is dead you virgins lmfao keep spending 6 hours a weekend attending trips that nobody will remember in 2-3 weeks LOLL
  21. Ted plays runescape daily still holy brown sticky stuff L0lâ€
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