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Money Mayweather

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Everything posted by Money Mayweather

  1. Wow, if RS had something called Name Changes this could easily be avoided! Oh wait...
  2. I swear I keep asking Pikey for minis and pretty sure he says "nobody on right now" for the entire time that he's on.
  3. I swear this waste product is supposed to rhyme? R A P R_etard Attempting Poetry
  4. Ok so this is where I'm confused. First of all, you just compared a RSPS to RS? No RSPS has ever come close to the numbers that real RS gets lmfao. Second of all, you just called a clan scared because they accepted a prep against you? What? Pretty sure he agreed to prep you... Then you said he's avoiding you? You have issues. The reason nobody likes you is because you're literally broccolied lmfao. Let's be real.
  5. I agree you're special. You definitely belong.
  6. You are incorrect. I google searched "Vs Munapaat" and found more than 6 losses xD And there's more I know of that wasn't listed on the google search too
  7. Think DMK is a little upset. People flamed cause you cried about 1 level 90. You said "we'll bring a 103 then" and we said sure, you still didn't. Then you cried after r1 so I gave him a MPC account to go on and then your excuse was "Lmfao need gmaul" "Lmfao need team invites" the team members are also in aao, aka me what's your issue buddy? 2 guys in game over means the mini is a game over mini? Lmfao?
  8. Imagine the cancer that clan would have. Holy fuck, would be drama fest. You fuckers wouldn't even be able to decide on a leader or ranks not alone how to organise a clan together.
  9. You act like HPC scene isn't 1-99 def currently. If this happens it could become more practical. Most 39 deffers have backup pures that are 1 def, a HPC clan could potentially take part in both HPC + MPC events, HPC (45 def cap wilderness (Will stay 99 but let's say 45 to keep us happy)), and 1-20 def preps (levels not gear) as well as the HPC clans being able to fight each other in clan wars also. You'll always have the pures that refuse to get defence, so it gives the potential to do both... Doubt you'd get the same pulls as you currently get though. Especially since it would also break multi-clanning. Zerks/rune pures are "considered" pures anyways. All it takes is 1 clan to go 45 def before every1 else does it to compete. It's just a matter of who got the balls to do it 1st. (Also gives clans a chance to go back to the old ways such as FOE can go back to 1 def mpc since mpc would basically be the hpc they prefer)
  10. Trying to stop mains on a forum lol? Thought you guys were smarter than this.
  11. Old rules wasn't even 92 cap, it just kept getting higher lmfao. MPC didn't work at all. MPC was like 80 cb cap at 1 point...
  12. why are videos taking so long? I want to see this amazing slaughter? O wait will take a lot of editing. Nvm I can wait to see what you can pull off to make it look like you won.
  13. Always used to flame in eop? Think you're mistaken. I flamed sure, but no where near always.
  14. You kids are so immature. Not entirely sure why you're mediator.
  15. Thought raps were supposed to rhyme? This brown sticky stuff has like 2 things that rhyme?
  16. Is it me or do you write too fucking much on this forum? I guarantee most people just read the title and replied.
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