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Father Justin

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Status Updates posted by Father Justin

  1. Good luck to all clans this weekend, hope it's a fun one for everybody!! =]

  2. This weekend will be an interesting one, I wonder what all the MPC's/LPC's pull without all the multiclanners. Best of luck to all

    1. Victory


      Fi 50

      CP 40

      EoP 15

  3. Come Idle in our IRC channel and support us @ #Sharkbrew =]

  4. Hey guys glad to see this site moving forward daily, but please take your time and if you use IRC, idle in our channel to support the Home of the Pure community. #Sharkbrew

  5. Who is #1 Matched in the LPC scene right now?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. U mad tr0ll

      U mad tr0ll

      Zerg unit doesn't use invites.

    3. Victory


      @Sith- we'll see on friday when you get our raw dick in a 3-0.


      And ye, zenith nearly beat eop (lost 2-1, was 15v15 in the second round from 23v23 until our main caller mysteriously lost internet connection)

      Zenith have won the last 2? preps vs Zerg unit.

      Zenith recently 3-0d supremacy with out third round havuing a music bot playing a compilation of recordings from our calling of 2012 lol.

  6. Why did Conviction and Supremacy sign up for the P2P Pcl and not show up? Very disappointing. Please don't do sign up next time if you're not going to show up. Thanks - Sharkbrew Staff

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Parm


      we decided to have our own event instead 30v30 castle wars p2p inners instead after seeing other clans pulls.

    3. Parm


      we decided to have our own event instead 30v30 castle wars p2p inners instead after seeing other clans pulls.

  7. P2P PCL THIS FRIDAY!! Let's goooooooo!

  8. P2P Pcl =-=-=-=- This Friday, be online!!

  9. P2P Friday PCL: Which clan will come out as the best performing clan in P2P? The contestants - Zenith, Zerg Unit, Conviction, or Supremacy? Post your predictions here!

  10. I'm so glad to see that Final Ownage Elite has joined the forums. Welcome, welcome my friends! Make yourself at home :-]

  11. What ever happened to PCL? Did the admins of #Pcl get rid of it because of the closure of so many MPC/HPC's? What do you guys think about a PCL for the " LPC's "?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Father Justin

      Father Justin

      and by showing up I mean showing up to clan wars rather than making up excuses not to come.

    3. Sith-


      I would go, I would like to see if lt would be teaming in the pcl lol

  12. [21:53] I died [21:53] wtf how [21:53] I had a house tab [21:53] but no house

  13. Who's the #1 LPC clan out there right now?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. N_ate


      The tomato said dr when they have Eop lvl 100s and their clans are all 100s. Its LPC boys not hpc

    3. Sith-


      lol don't u bring cp to all your preps

    4. U mad tr0ll

      U mad tr0ll

      Zenith didn't go out on the weekend AND they didn't show up for the organised Prep against Zu, so we ended up prepping EoP, we clearly see whose number 1. #Zu

  14. Do you guys think Wilderness Rejuvenation worked? Lava Drags, new bosses, resource area, etc.?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. N_ate


      lava drags brougt the activity alot

    3. Father Justin
    4. N_ate


      But the bots for lava drags are unreal and vetion was a good addition @Father Justin

  15. Always nice to see new clans opening on 0SRS2007 =]

  16. What is Sovereign trying to accomplish by attacking pure clans on their mains during the weekends? Shame on them.. tsk, tsk, tsk.

  17. Hope all remaining Pure clans had a fun trip today! Be sure to check out our official Shark brew world tracker @Clan Tools!

    1. Tim


      i did not know about the world tracker LOL. still had a great trip tho, again undefeated

    2. Kevv


      i've been away, what do you mean by 'remaining clans'

  18. Hope everyone had a great 4th of July Weekend =]

  19. My friend Palo attended a miniwar after visiting pure.pw ........ 5 minutes later: "Palo" dropped (connection lost)

  20. It's a shame that Hazard and Zenith closed, RIP.

    1. Thimaah


      lmfao dont lie

    2. Jim


      They both went HPC times, when they clearly didnt had the pull for it.




    1. Tim


      'Muricaaaa fuck yeaaa

    2. Sith-


      Looks like you are for the usa

    3. Kush
  23. Keep the community flame free!

    1. Spliff


      supremacy and trauma always mad about something :P

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