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Everything posted by Simpler

  1. You didn't have any sort of relevance outside p2p cwa, your f2p cwa record was dismal and your wilderness records/activity was even worse. My point with that is the only relevance Apex has is 10 good months in 2018 which consisted only of p2p cwa wins, you wouldn't know anything prior to that though would you seeing you're a glory rider. There's a lot more clans using Sharkbrew than using your forums though? So must be a fair representation I would believe? You guys used Sharkbrew up until the heat became to much and your members stopped buying into the propaganda, if that never happened Apex would still be using these forums as they were before your clan shot itself in the foot. I've seen you try and sell the fact that Apex isn't banned from Sharkbrew in all your replies within the past month, so yeah that would be denying it my friend. Regardless of the time frame in which you "apparently" came to know me atleast you know who I am and I'm not a random nobody to you like you are to me. Watch out for the touch of death lol.
  2. Just because you say I don't have eyes in Apex doesn't mean I actually don't. You shouldn't lie on a forum that's dedicated to a pixel game that's some worrying signs for you my friend. I'm currently outside, it's a tad overcast today but it's not to bad seeing how hot it's been lately.
  3. Repeating the only statement you have made for a month isn't a sign of cockiness it's a sign or weakness covering the fact you have nothing further to say because there simply isn't anything further to say. Apex weren't consistently pulling those numbers, you don't need to lie when the whole community has seen what they've been doing. The only thing that has saved any relevance is the fact you had one good year in p2p preps. Aao has closed due to other factors and you know that, I'm not sure why you would need to ask? Or are you actually the late wave rider I said you are? Why bring up IR? Doesn't make any sense to be fair. Apex might not be banned from Legacy forums but you guys are banned from Sharkbrew forums right? You just unknowingly admitted to one thing you've been denying for weeks now lol. Silly boy got baited and fell for it, thank you for the screen grab. Oh and just to reply to your ending statement of you trying to show some importance or relevance within the pure community just remember, I have no idea who you are but you know exactly who I am.
  4. How do you know that I don't have eyes anywhere inside or that I can't see the drained spirit and dead hype that's so blatantly obvious. The audio is the icing on the cake my friend, your clan piped up and got punished big time now this just shows how big the actual cracks are. You need to pay more attention as to what is going on inside your clan.
  5. I could have joined years ago if I wanted to but I never chose to, I just state simple facts about this rivalry Apex is regretting right now.
  6. You have a complete different approach to conversation now, where did your cocky immature arrogance disappear to? Your activity only picked up once you had a couple established clans close into you, where were you pulls before that happened? Yep nowhere. Were you in Apex when Aao steamrolled them? Or are you just a newbie to the clan riding on a 10 month successful prep run? If Sharkbrew isn't an accurate depiction of the community and where it's at then why has Apex has flaunted all over these forums? Why are you bringing up Legacy? Do you actually follow me off these forums you weirdo lol.
  7. Atleast Apex can get some numbers after losing a bunch of them over the past couple days.
  8. Surely they regret talking all that shit, it's looking bad for them.
  9. @Pigwrestler7how come you've gone from telling everyone how good Apex is and spewing your fake winning propaganda to being on the back foot playing the victim about some apparent shit talking? You guys have literally been talking shit for 12 months lol. Your clan started beef and now you're already in shambles, there's no reason for you to continue lying or spewing that fake and twisted propaganda. The whole community see's what's going on and you on look stupid by continuing on the way you are. Your clan is losing numbers and losing badly when it comes to the action. Go back to your forums and enjoy the action whilst you are involved in it.
  10. The real question is why are you replying to this post at 2:30am est?
  11. Atleast they aren't as bad as Apex though
  12. The spamming is the worst part of it not the flaming, either slow that down and do more when it comes to warnings and punishments or get rid of it.
  13. Apex must be regretting what they done, they're losing members hourly and have only become the biggest hypocrites in the community.
  14. I bet Apex regrets doing what they done.
  15. They couldn't even last a month, wtf lol.
  16. I doubt it will happen but it would be nice to see.
  17. They have 17 leaks inside their clan atm, gl with your services mate.
  18. That's what I've been trying to tell their deluded members, overall they're down against Foe in both servers when it comes to cwa and they haven't been able to compete with them in the wildy in their existence. Their only concern seems to be less than 12 months of relevance against 1 clan in 1 server inside of cwa, I'm not sure why any clan would want to base their history on one period throughout their existence tbh.
  19. I don't understand why you bother logging into this website.
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