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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. Nothing. Some of you guys got issues that need to check
  2. remember the last time they teamed up
  3. we pay no potato masher hey hey ho ho mod wolf has got to go
  4. crack open a cold one with the boys
  5. crack open a cold one with the boys

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Romnick
    3. Rhythm


      hope you all open a warm one

    4. Ir0ny


      mfw when eop thought they made/were the first to use this meme

  6. Didn't know mains count towards your opts, thought low-tier clans try to hide them to make themselves look better (people called you guys Eruption of Mains for a reason). Looking at FOE's annie trip you guys really showed the pure world how low quality you guys are (bringing +80 mains and still lose to them LMAO). Like I said, the only people on SB that actually thinks EOP was any good are their monkey brainwashed members. One example is you refer to sig another brainwashed moron here TLP closed due to internal issues not cause of a clan but ok You seem a little angry that TLP accomplished more than your clan there buddy. It's ok, maybe they'll get their shine someday
  7. Ouch, can't fight the facts anymore so you attack with irl comments. Must be broken Stay mad bro
  8. Nobody begged the members to get defence lmfao. If you're going to start pulling random claims out of your ass then just stop. You've already lost the argument
  9. Man all these claims that you're pulling out of your ass is surprising Did you join EOP recently? I didn't know reopening and pulling 40-50 for 95% of your trips was considered top 3. If anything, you guys were fighting for #3 against SUP/CP/FI or any HPCs during the time The only accomplishment you guys ever had was beating Fi in the Jagex P2P full out. Even then you guys couldn't pull 100 of your own members to fight them. The amount of invites you had was astonishing (same with FI). Your clan was able to compete against FOE on weekends after TLP closed was due to the atrocious amount of mains you guys brought every weekend . Anyone with half a brain knows that EOP was a low-tier clan lmfao. Only their members actually believe they were any good (brainwashed)
  10. Idk, hopefully a long time. More clan is more action
  11. Where do you see UB members talking about this? I think you're the only one getting too hype for this buddy
  12. You seem pretty attached to UB. Are you still salty about that prep lost? It's ok buddy, you'll get your chance again next time
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