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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. Looks like EOP is still dog shit after all these years haha


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bronze Longsword

      Bronze Longsword

      @Docker lmfaoooooooooo you are so fucking mad right now keep crying because you got smoked today holy fuck your tears taste so good u fucking cry baby l00000l

    3. Docker


      If I wanted to deal with Autists then I would have become a careworker, I'm outta here...

      EoP can't compete.

    4. Bronze Longsword

      Bronze Longsword

      @Docker lmfaoooooooooo it only took me 3 posts to break you holy shit get fucking smoked kid you're so easy 0000000000l keep crying please 

  2. @hon0r wya my dude

    1. Warbow


      Litmob closed this mans clan 

  3. EOP camps at GDZ so their mains can help them lmao. Still the same old brown sticky stuff clan :lol: 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. nICK1


      tlp closed btw

    3. Camie


      sounds like eop on top and u mad lil dumbo

    4. wuu2


      ah yes eop win again 

  4. Juuni Taisen best new anime of 2017

  5. Wdym? I never hated them like the other UB members. At least they don't use mains to stay relevant bro
  6. Didnt get kicked for being a leak but ok Doesn't change the fact that your clan is the joke of the pure community LOL
  7. Yeah sorry calling out Hanu's bad calls during preps/weekends is a nuisance guess no one had the courage to do it I do fuck around here and there tho heh
  8. idk. eop might be extra aids with their mains this weekend
  9. tfw EOP don't want a clean 60v60 at dwarves. Gotta camp at GDZ so their mains can get some action 8)

    1. 17_


      Because mains can't attack at dwarves in level 34 but can at gdz at level 43 haha sick logic bro!!!

    2. Colby


      88 cb + 34 = 122

      88 cb + 43 = 131


      Yes, his logic is good considering anything near max main is 122+

      Back to eop hq drawing board for the next reply

    3. DULL


      TFW foe ranks said to go defend and no rushy LUL L LLUL

  10. I can imagine all the mains now yikes
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