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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. 70 ? when on the vids + picture the max u got is 57? l0000000000000 lmfao fake propogande 1. u got bullied from graves to ditch by cd and u ended u trip? why u dont put that in your topic? lmfaolfao l00000000 More mains then pures on your trip l0l0l0l0?????????????????? dont try to say thats Ub cause all the mains are blue dots lmfao good to see that eom understand they cant compete in a purre scene so eom turned into a main clan and crash on hpc trips l0l dull his waterhead have no brains ahahahahahahah #eopeadclan i agree
  2. go youtub and type '' sf leader awkward moment '' u should pipe down you sf advaned member random lmfao @@Smoke n Chilll
  3. olympus+eop got bullied to the ditch both ended after 15minutes and went cwal0l
  4. u mad cause a clan that was open for 5 days enter a lpc fullout event and u had to watch lmfao
  5. @@Braden how can we throw some respek on it when u took the harambe logo from www.google.com?
  6. stfu u 2k16 clanner lmfao olympus got bullied out of their cape 2 times in 1 month what can u do? you a advanced member in sf stfu lmfa0 l0000000000000000000000
  7. 7 hour rag fight... was it a 7v7 ? cause on every picture there was less then 15 ppl total... not even vid? propoganda l0l0ll00l 7hour rag fight without having 10 ppl l0l dead clan
  8. yeah fatality even won more then one jcup... when eop still have no history after 10years and after fi closed mm u not rlly allowed to talk ty
  9. but fi closed mm l0l0o0ol0l kyp
  10. fatality won jcups for sure... but tbh i think this eop kid is mad cause eop didnt win a single thing in the last 10 years lmfao
  11. did olympus really got bullied out of their t-cape 2 times in 1 month? damn op just close lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Break


      Because that was a placeholder cape while we voted for a new one on forums, are you foreign or something?

    3. Juicy


      yeah seens like bullied 2 times op dead yeah

    4. Break


      yeh seems like op is best hpc join today 2day at olympus-rs.com

  12. gz op gz rage to be the brown sticky stufftest clans that are open atm
  13. sf? since when did i have been in sf lmfao this is proof enough that u new to clanning as fk l0l
  14. u replyed 3 times now i can see u mad but its allrigh u joining invictus now right? l0lllllllllllllll
  15. i think u care about what i say since u already quoted 2 times my comment lmfao go cry more l00l0l
  16. to flame ppl i kill daily or to flame clans that i closed lmfao i closed sk x3 and axis x1 was easy as fk l0l bong is a mute , aaronn is a 2k15 clanner , nova is 26 and having 2 kids and still playing a adventure game l0l kyp
  17. 3th time i closed sk in less then 4months lmfao l0l00l00ll0l0 now u joining iv when they are closing also ? lmfao l0l0l
  18. i orginased the last full out, but i think that it should be a fullout but 2v2 since mostly lpc's pulling very good since couple other lpc's closed i do like to see also more little events something as a mini tourny.. every lpc's take their best 5 ppl and mini each other lets get the lpc scene banging again
  19. seens like sf lost again like always
  20. Worst Community(clan1,clan2,clan3): EOP, CP, FOE Most uninspiring(clan1,clan2,clan3): EOP, CP, SUP Worst wilderness clan(clan1,clan2,clan3): EOP, CP, SUP Worst clan wars clan(clan1,clan2,clan3): EOP, Apex, Olympus Most likely to close(only vote for 6 mnth+ old clans)(clan1,clan2,clan3): EOP, Olympus, Apex Worst Propaganda(clan1,clan2,clan3): EOP, Rage, Olympus
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