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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. cp gonna die most today why u didnt put cp on the pull u newbundle of twigs
  2. nice to see that u team whit sf control and Niglet u guys potato masherfriends again ? gj
  3. Www.Clan-X.com // X Public cc // #1 Lpc

  4. and 2 weeks ago you said we training to move mpc? but u can handle onley new baby clans of lvl 55-65s lol rip iv broken as fk nice ranks l0ol
  5. Invistus u guys going stay and focus for ever on lpc ?? or u guys ever going move to mpc like all the lpc's did
  6. what time fullout start @ ruin+imp vs foe

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cody9204


      hit us up with a world before u niggas start

    3. LongShlong


      @Deviants rofl ur banned from clan wars

    4. Cody9204


      *teleports to clan wars*


      guess u were wrong

  7. but why all that main when u pk whit a pure clan ??? on every picture i see more mains then pure on your side so u had onley 3 pures and rest mains eop should merge to sv l0l eop broken
  8. Juicy Did This To You Control0l0l back to Lpc downy Did We Bullied u to hard?

    1. Jimi


      nigga you are in x clan

    2. Juicy


      most Active P2p Clan

      #1 you broccoli

  9. 1iteming since most of supremacy members are broke as fk l0l0l and btw why this topic when your best loot was 414k??? r0lf0fl0fl0flf0l just go out on weekends u guys suck lmfao ty
  10. 1. u guys bridding in welfare lmfao 2. not even a single ko?? all the kids u guys killed tanked till out of food ? rip lmfao l0l 3. kid thats vidding not even using f keys ? l0llllllllllllll please get the hella out of singles tty
  11. eop should reopen since they pull less the 40 on weekends for more as 6 months now
  12. i say #Mm should re-open they will bring the Hpc scene a lot of more action
  13. rage is just main clan i heared niglet gonna merge rage into vengeance since they got the same stats l0l0l0l
  14. #Rage 95% Of them are 30-39 def and 5% real pures #Cd 60% mains 30% 30-39def and 10% real pures
  15. doom was always already brown sticky stuff anyways nobody cares
  16. then come p2p today ??? its friday ..... so if invictus dont come out to p2p today says enough how brown sticky stuff u guys are and focus on clans that much lower cmbs
  17. stop to focus on xlpç's ? step up and fight mpc ? broken clan no warlord???
  18. what time and loc is the full out ????????????????????????
  19. why u dont tell on u topic that u got cleared by clan x ( a lpc ) at lavas x2 ???? l0l0l0l u are garbage eop ded and btw 9/10 pictures are just welfare loots ? l0l0l gg
  20. you mumma looks like a big fat callisto ugly fam get the fak out of here whit your pepperoni face
  21. atleast we can pull ruin trips is 10 ruin members and others are invites l0l0l0l0l
  22. the rap is better then your clan rip fighting a xlpc.... u should focus on moving mpc trash broken clan
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