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Everything posted by Aaronn

  1. Wales winning rivalry against England and Rage winning the rivalry against ruin:) a good day to be alive.
  2. Lol now you look like an tomato wales topped their group ))))) gg
  3. Ruin was to ez was only really fun for the first week they were hopeless rivals.
  4. Would be down to clear ruin on fridays as well as saturday yes.
  5. Ruin got fucked they dont even have a video on their topic l000000000000l
  6. Rage wins again 9 win streak w00t ty for a good final op also ruin you are brown sticky stuff 29-0 l0000000l http://clan-rage.com/
  7. http://clan-rage.com/ Join today for the chance to be involved in a 10prep win streak
  8. Yeah i was there all the ranks know what they are doing but thats about it they sat their own members for invites today lol.
  9. 8 Invites, 3 people with 20+def after asking for a 20def cap themselves their quality is so high they sat their own member for an invite. But even with all of them things happening vt is so bad we still shouldnt of lost.
  10. join rage to make money and win
  11. Aao is by far the better clan and their quality is a lot better but cd will win because of the 30+mains they bring a trip
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