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Everything posted by Stayez

  1. Looking for clan awards GFX pm on discord to discuss Stayez#7917
  2. Thanks for pkri foe was fun af
  3. 58 on a Friday, it's just Suptember baby! 

  4. Massed up around 40 Supremacy Tigers to take on Fatality in a free-to-play preparation war. We took the strong win, great transitions and great tanking guys! @X Poo pov @+Chalu pov @Ham pov Supremacy Starting: 36 Supremacy Ending: 31 Fatality Starting: 36 Fatality Ending: 0 Supremacy Starting: 37 Supremacy Ending: 19 Fatality Starting: 37 Fatality Ending: 0 Supremacy Starting: 33 Supremacy Ending: 19 Fatality Starting: 33 Fatality Ending: 0
  5. After a strong F2P Performance yesterday, Supremacy massed up 42 Tigers later peaking at 50. For our first fight of the day we rushed Fi at bandit camp. We got aggressive on the north side picking up a couple kills while our south side had some nice tanks. After a bit of fighting IR logged in so we tele'd down. Next we defended for Fi at CA. They rushed in from the west and we fought for a bit until MF rushed in from the NE. We repositioned ourselves north of the fight on top of P18s and Corp and began focusing south. We picked up quite a few kills until MF began trying to hit us from graves so we pulled south towards CA and once again began sniping the fight from the outskirts. Eventually MF and FI moved to Corp where we pushed on top of both clans with melee and cleared them off the map. For our last fight vs Fi we had them defend at Boneyard. We rushed in and had a not-so-great start so we pulled it south towards P18s for returners. Here we made our stand and eventually brought the fight back in our favor and made Fi run to Corp. We chased them from Corp down to CA where we fought for the next 10-15 minutes. The fight went back and forth for awhile with us holding the advantage the majority of the time. Eventually MF came rushing in from Graves and Fi tele'd out so we followed suit. At this point we had officially ended but we were still hungry for more action so we massed up 32 Tigers and approached Misfits for a PKRI. We defended for them at Al Kharid and the fight commenced when MF came rushing in from the west. MF got in some big clumps at the start and we punished them for it forcing them to run north to the return spot. We continued to fight around the palace for 20-30 minutes until we managed to push MF into singles. We waited for them to re rush but they never came so we got a spam and tele'd to edge with a win. @@Noel @Poo
  6. He’s a salty apex kid who got ranked up as quick as tyen the shitter.
  7. Lmfao, IR a shit clan, Gratz SUP on #1 F2P. see you tomorrow IR. lmfao
  8. Gratz SUP on #1 F2P.

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