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Everything posted by Estranger

  1. Rot couldent break Rage ,by far cant you random ass hider.
  2. So dead that , the remaining 40 ppl will still smoke tf out of your over 100 ML , best 40 players. Now cry me a river and go ask your leadership why they wont accept the prep requests you high ego low iq twat.
  3. Looks like Z had Foe and Apex members with them and still lost lol , gz BP.
  4. You have won under 10 preps this year vs rages 70 prep wins , stfu dog.
  5. Bitch your fanning a boyband tf outta here faggot.
  6. Estranger

    Fuck you.

    Looks like you bullied apex + zenith pretty hard lol.
  7. And there goes all the hype on 2 win streak for the supremacy clan and they start pulling 15s again.
  8. Says a random on hider acc LMFAO ,grow yourself a pair of balls and come @ us.
  9. Pipe down lmfao you lost to sup ,who are worst tier matched clan besides zenith .This was battle for #1 from where you are miles away.
  10. Can't really basically see any other than Rage or Fatality winning the preps for the past months lol.
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