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Everything posted by Famcloth

  1. Is pure clanning still C? Asking for a friend.

    1. موني


      Some clans do bring mains which makes wild pretty cancer but the community and interactions has improved 

    2. Break


      ^ things are improving yaes

  2. When @Zee closed mayhem makers probably
  3. gz on winning your first rivalry FI
  4. Probably cause most clanners are just passengers that will bitch, complain and make sharkbrew topics and put no real effort into making their clan a success whereas those who have failed in the past will at least have a track record of attempting to do something.
  5. Outbursts happen when you care about winning, although that is a big fucking tldr. gz repa on the network
  6. The replies on this thread loooool
  7. Get on DMM pussies, you're missing out.

  8. not for me but looks clean gl
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