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Sharkbrew Legend

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Everything posted by Sharkbrew Legend

  1. Cd sucked in the main scene and suck as mains in the pure scene lmfao
  2. I'm pretty sure TLP ranks were emotional over having to carry their son EOP for so long only to see them close twice in 2 weeks
  3. Lol oh no adhi daddy made a topic on for forums that says prep us pussys ahhhhh
  4. I would actually say TLP. The decision to close was very emotional, we all loved playing together but didn't want to drag the clan through the dirt. When you compared it to clans like cp/fi staying alive and being complete dogshit for most of their existence, it was the right thing to do.
  5. he hasn't used this acc in like 18 months lmfao, the posts are 100% less broccolied how can u not tell
  6. they were definitely #2 up until osrs but after that they have dropped off dramatically, most people would probably rank them #4 of all time nowadays due to how terrible their past few years have been
  7. Looks like the Olympus and rage dogs all found a new clan to play in until bvg goes afk
  8. every clan that kid touches dies lmfao, stick to tech support
  9. cp is the correct answer btw, they were a hpc for 11 years and were always shit
  10. the fuck is this lmfao ur leader is a paki
  11. Fuck imagine being in a pure clan and only prepping once a month.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mayhem Makers Fanboy

      Mayhem Makers Fanboy

      I'm not sure, just remember winning matched J-cup (40v40 and 10v10) vs Tlp without 99 prayer and 30 defence.

    3. Sharkbrew Legend

      Sharkbrew Legend

      hmm 2 fights....nice work

    4. Mayhem Makers Fanboy

      Mayhem Makers Fanboy

      Ya sorry I can't be of more help. Can't really remember the irrelevant preps, just the fights that are actually remembered.

  12. lmfao just found out phoenix is an rd remake, anyone remember that time TLP beat rd in an f2p prep wearing no gear lmfao yikes

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tyendinaga


      Salsa didnt learn the first time

    3. Sharkbrew Legend

      Sharkbrew Legend

      not kyle btw but i am an aussie if that helps u guess lmao

    4. Pinhead


      ye it would be funny that px was an rd remake if ub wasnt a mayhem v5 and tlp v7 remake

  13. Don't know who you are. Just figured you're another no namer
  14. Nobody cares what some random like you has to say about anything lmao. Stick to w308 f2p pking
  15. like 15 ppl use this acc btw(mods can confirm) chill lilguy lmfao
  16. He's a randomThis @@Wild Observer is justin beiber rot cosplayer. Lick my toes you gremlin
  17. Wait so you're telling me some fake tlp parody clan beat Phoenix, but supposed legacy clan eop lose... smh
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