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Retard Army

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Everything posted by Retard Army

  1. why is he still veteran? if can't tell if promo did not last long or promo never came
  2. why are so many people out of UK calling for foc? The UK has never produced a good runescape caller. UK kids have no passion/charisma in their voices when it comes to calling, they also lack intelligence.
  3. i walked ly from ca to east graves x2 i don't know what else there is to say
  4. the distance between ca and east graves singles is quite the distance, I don't recommend legacy clan venturing out that far past east graves as they will be quickly sent back.
  5. they we I agree though, Zenith will not be allowing LY to pk this upcoming weekend (Been the theme for most of the year)
  6. Woah Sandra is around, that is a blast from the past!!! Should stop by Zenith community and say hi to Hormone/Callum(Lol Spooned)/Eat Dark Bow/Rob(Blurred Pker)
  7. why are you talking about LY's non-existent fake aftermath topic of 300+ replies of 3 fake sb accounts
  8. they are busy leading a rivalry by a land slide no reason to waste time with foc rn l0l
  9. I'm sorry I can't hear you crying over all the noise my baller accounts are making.
  10. his clan was in a rivalry they lost theirs though. What was your clan thinking starting a rivalry with foc? @F3ar
  11. wheres the fake aftermath topic of the same 3 rejects spamming it over and over again?

  12. > Teams with vennies and pays them hundreds of mils to aid >> Complains about teaming feels great to be a baller and on the winning side no wonder why olympiss was a beta clan
  13. zenith does a full out with legacy next to single every weekend zenith wins every weekend /topic
  14. It makes me happy to hear that your face was 2 inches away from your monitor analyzing cookies' every mouse movement for 18 minutes. We must have had a very exciting video.
  15. today i pushed 70 pures and 50 mains into single 3 times

    1. Aleister Crowley

      Aleister Crowley

      that audio of Halp saying you were close to ending it all over an e-girl is coming out with the Ashyxoxo audio lmfao 

    2. Retard Army

      Retard Army

      hi fake alius boy @Aleister Crowleyis this ashyxoxo my former e-girl you are referring to?

  16. What is a fella that has spent so much time in solid legacy clans like TLP and old school AAO sitting in a clan ran by [LT]Sam and [DMK]Killa ? Your old school friends would be disappointed in you.
  17. i agree i wouldn't join ly or rage
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