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Retard Army

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Everything posted by Retard Army

  1. i agree fi closed tlp now u are an fi slave
  2. wrong we are off killing the rev/af alliance while you aren't doing anything to us i agree tlp and ub are both dead
  3. ur clan is getting the gwas by foc (multiple locs) refer to @Proccystatus prob shoulda done a joint trip with another clan or 2 to prevent that
  4. i agree fi is loaded up with recycled clanners if tlp/mm/eop did not close u would be pulling half of 40
  5. i agree fi closed tlp and ub and now u are slaving for them i also agree with scott on the fact that he has spent all his weekend nights inside for the past decade and that he needs to go on more runs or invest in treadmill, i can confirm.
  6. 20 seconds after you lost your staff and left your trip legacy ran 2 levels down only to make a 3x3 right outside the maze only to be blown up by z+apeg
  7. @Murdtopic says zenith pulls 84 therefore fi and their joint trip did not "double zenith's pull", i know u can't read because you don't get enough sleep because you wake up at the crack of dawn to slave for fatality, despite this quote typed by you: "Fatality have a long history of being terrible so this isn't anything new" -Murd 2017
  8. hahaha i got a free staff off of ly ty for 4 dollars irl ballers win again
  9. i agree foe and mm have done way more and have a way better history than fatality 15 years of slumping 15 years of getting gaped
  10. @Murdhaven't seen u around lately, did you join Tyen? Possibly tired of slaving for a clan that closed yours just like he was doing? At least he didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to do so.
  11. i agree fi closed eop and now u are slaving for them spending every single weekend night of your life inside at mom's house. sis doesn't think very high
  12. @Murdwoke up at the crack of dawn, got 0 kills from zenith and 0 kills from baller army, spent the early hours of the morning chasing around other clans as no1 had the pull to match fatality's joint trip with another main clan. As the sun started to rise he got his first fight of the day, unfortunately for him ly was sitting in single the whole time picking off fi members in multi spamming "come to multi we have the same" i agree @Murdlooks boring to wake up at the crack of dawn to slave for a clan that closed garbage eop
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