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Everything posted by slime

  1. Gj fi! no idea why eop are flaming fo when they will never prep a big clan (without having any advantage) lmfao
  2. slime


    that is actually garbage
  3. still higher than a supremacy pull in the past year
  4. And yes eop still sucks after 1 year of ub
  5. Wasn't there, but @1defkid carried those pvm nerds
  6. op leadership; clearly braindead
  7. The fact that eop haven’t been able to close fi shows how brown sticky stuff they are lol
  8. Stop it mithril, do what I asked and I'll get you back in ub
  9. No need to get so angry over an opinion on a runescape community board, buddy!
  10. Yeah i'll keep watching anime, dosent the change the fact that i closed eop multiple times
  11. Yep keep copying CP with our phrases LMAO you're so awkward
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