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Killer of Clans

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Posts posted by Killer of Clans

  1. Went out with 130 elites today and saw EOP were at gdz with 110 so we decided to stay in our bracket and get 5 seconds of actions crashing sf and st's 20v20s for our anniversary. When EOP came down to fight us down 20 we teled out and ended our trip lol haha 


    I hope everyone saw what greatness FO can truly achieve on the anniversary!!

  2. As everyone now knows, FOM's 13th anniversary was ruined by EOP in spectacular fashion yet again. The whole week they had prepared a big surprise for EOP in an attempt to get their first victory in the last 2 years.


    The decision was to bring mass invites and use 40+ 120+ combat mains (sure they had about 15 mid level tanks but EOP took care of them very quickly) to rush a 1 defence pure clan in level 18 wildy with the intention of sniping the pures (even sharkbrew mods were involved on mains sniping pures). As simple maths suggests, 120-18 = 102. 1 Defence pures cap out at 101 combat. EOP had been waiting in lvl 40 wilderness for FOM prior and FOM sat at edge for 30 minutes...


    Was it worth it for FOM to degrade everything they believe in just to get smoked and embarrassed to the point they have no aftermath topic on their anni and they are too afraid to show their faces?

  3. 24 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    Pretty much yes. If Hotkeying didn't involve Phil's family, Phil would have been demoted a long time ago, however with the involvement of family, it changes everything altogether.

    If you doubt the staff team's propensity to be fair, we demoted @Lenin when we learned of his involvement in some sort of hacking. We then repromoted him when the entire situation came to light.

    What about when you demoted EOP ranks because they talked about mains or made silly comments, but you have apex/sup/fom ranks doxing and making main snipe teams to snipe xlpc clans lol... also you have refused to show evidence to the extent of your claims of what hotkeying did lol its word of mouth and so far a sharkbrew ranks word isnt worth much

  4. 1 hour ago, Satans said:

    All I kno is, CD + Fs are gunna have far more mains so gl

    And now CD has a reason to come out during lpc trips and rag Fo/Apex

    broccolied asf from Fo/Apex tbh, dunno what genius came up with this idea 

    the same genius who came up with the idea of ballista off preps and no teleports to get to places in the wildy


    1 hour ago, Moni said:

    did eop stop doxing when nick doxed me and when I ask why he did it he replied "i just dont like you"


    Well done btw, hmu when you decide to grow a pair and post on your actual acc 

    l000l still making excuses for FOM making the scene cancer by doxing? wont stop 50+ mains every weekend lmfao sad doxing supporter

  5. 9 minutes ago, bOb said:

    Can't say i'm surprised that @slushpuppy has looked the other way once again when his own mods are in the wrong. First it was his mods doxing and now it's his mods opening a main team lmao!!

    get a backbone silly china man

    I guess slush wants sharkbrew to have a chinaman vs chinaman battle royale with tannie lol by going into the xlpc scene and sniping them

  6. 27 minutes ago, Moni said:

    I dont get why you use a troll acc to post a topic that isn’t going to change a thing and is poor banter aswell

    So you, a sharkbrew admin, are in support of your fellow sharkbrew ranks creating a 40+ defence snipe team for the xlpc scene with the specific purpose of sniping clans for no reason whatsoever?

    Thanks for the confirmation lol... first you support a doxing clan (FOM) now you support a main clan? 

  7. With the announcement that ub/fom/apex ranks and members are moving down merging in the xlpc scene in the form of a 40+ defence clan to snipe cd/fs and probably a majority of the other xlpcs, what do you predict will happen?

    (Recruitment posts for anybody who doesn't believe ub/fom/apex are making a main team for the xlpc scene)







    Personally I think the unbreakable/fom/apex combination will be no match for the xlpc scene, especially cd and fs who are practiced in fighting mains with mains and winning their respective rivalries. Not to mention, FS was the clan that killed UB in clan wars and CD was the clan that closed UB. I mean, everyone in this new clan are specialists in failure, it's just sad to see that they are intentionally moving down to snipe xlpcs with tanks for no reason lol

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