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Everything posted by ceZa

  1. nice comeback in r1, gj
  2. was a really good fight, gf Zenith!
  3. So little competition that we split our clan into 2 groups(oldschool vs new school) then fought ourselfs at GDZ l0l0l0l
  4. what happend to your clan @Ajs my cub?? Looks like you slumping pretty hard l0l
  5. How much did Rage pay you to win all these awards @puppyslush? Cause this doesnt make any sence at all lmfao.
  6. Most likely to bring mains in 2020: Rage. How tf can they get best overall clan? l000l this is soo rigged, cant even take it serious.
  7. gl to him hopefully he'll come back soon
  8. Rage had more mains than pures in this fight yet they still lost. Stay on your pures next time please!
  9. Based on glory or based on a legendary history and legacy ppl might want to become a part of? Yes, we do have a huge retired memberbase but they aint the one carrying this clan. We have a strong ass core and member unit + a solid as rank/clanstructure. You said "where did all your members go when rot was on top of you". Well, the ones who were weak left and the ones who were strong mentality like myself stayed. You overreact alot when you basically say that all our members left when RoT camped us. Like I said, some of the core and the weak ones left but what doesnt kill you makes you stronger right? And yes, we did have some members that came back after they stopped camping us and a good amount came back after leaving us when UB reopended like I said above. We still have enough quality and dedication to dominate weekend trips and do pretty well in matched preps with alot of new members + a pretty new core. Youre completely right about the competition it is pretty bad atm specially when you think about wildernerness stuff, but its still alot of competition in cwa etc. Its not like we've been dominating there for the last 2 years. My opinion for why ppl are loyal to the clan is that they know its a legendary clan, with a long ass history, been open for nearly 15 years, have a strong structure and memberbase , but also a great and active community.
  10. Its very easy to see that you dont know what youre talking about. The ones who joined FOE in the beginning of 2018 when EOP had the upper hand in their rivalry is still here. Yes, some left to UB when it reopened and some left when we had a main clan on us, but most of them came back and is still here so you need to get your facts straight. We even have alot of new members that joined last year which you may call "gloryhunters" but most of them are superloyal to the clan.
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