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Everything posted by Murd

  1. Strong performances TLP
  2. Slush, Moni, and most people that have been around the EoP community for the last 4-5 years that are around still like @@Quode =]
  3. Good work, thanks for the fight =]
  4. You should use a spell check add-on man...
  5. They never can accept a loss tbh
  6. The fuck is wrong with you, I suggest you go back to school so that when you attempt to bait someone your grammar doesn't rival that of a 1st grader in elite bser's disabled school. Freak
  7. A main during a midweek wow smh time to open fc and mass everyone
  8. Sneaky motherfuckers aren't ya Good work
  9. They seem to enjoy being together with other leeks... time to weed them out
  10. Amazing account, however the 61 cooking smh start over!##$
  11. Could you say it again pls I didn't quite hear you
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