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Everything posted by FLOWER

  1. If clumpa doesn't win wilderness clan of the month for October then I'm closing sb
  2. Sup. Wheelchair riding helmets at Onslaught setup a PKRI with Fatality and Rage. Knowing that some infidels were massing to crash the fight, we invited Rage to have some fun since we knew the Reapers would dip within 4 minutes (even with only 26 enemies coming our way). The apes then had a farm sesh that would see apex member lose a crystal seed, and the rest gearcapped to water sticks and dscims. In the end, the holy land was secured, with nothing but purple dots left to be seen.
  3. Why is it called the boys but paige is in it? 2021 so weird!
  4. Most interesting thing about the topic is the seasoned chicken breast from subway.
  5. @Herbostop wanking over your mum and reply
  6. What u tagging me for u weirdo? Onslaught rent free in zeniths head right now.
  7. Approached Fatality for a last minute P2P PKRI they gladly accepted, we massed up 23 gorillas eventually peaking at 29. Despite being down opts at the beginning we kept it very competitive through out the fight. GF Fatality ty for action!
  8. How many times u been kicked from zenith lmao? My leadership and rank team is more stable then yours. Mercy mkd in apex hormone banned joey left lmao
  9. When u guys finished battling it out for 2nd place, come and try and get the belt from onslaught!
  10. Sounds like a campaign I can support
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