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Everything posted by Stores

  1. Ah yes, did you know sup didn't have a sunday topic last week? I will admit that Sup can pull their weight during f2p, but they're also bringing 20 mains. In p2p they lose every fight. I want a clean fight on both servers, no mains no other clans. It will never happen
  2. Ty for quoting twice, bark for me Sup dead as fuck. Enjoy 7 man pulls
  3. Plenty of reason. 3at wants try and get everyone to spam stuff towards rage at the event. Backfired
  4. Proof? Please show. Haven’t checked it since you doxxed me, and before then months
  5. This is rage pre stores. Doesn’t count
  6. When? I don’t get on sups forums. What leaks are for you beta bitch
  7. Supremacy has been and always be a shit propaganda clan. btw where is Sunday’s topic? Imagine be cleared from your own forums beta bitch
  8. Pretty sure 3at has told all Sup members to not log onto sharkbrew. It’s been to quiet
  9. First win? Yo where’s your Sunday topic? sup has been fighting a uphill battle and has been losing. Less members every week coming to their trips
  10. He’s not allowed to make topics on Sharkbrew anymore lmfao. 1 topic on SB in a week and it was proven that they got cleared, no Sunday topic on any forums.
  11. Gl to all today 

  12. Imagine being a clan wars / Saturday only clan
  13. Oooo good job rage! Thanks for the action foe
  14. Imagine if we get a trending tweet. Rage got big things ahead.
  15. They don’t even want to come in the wilderness with their 7 man pull.
  16. Ah yes when your video ended rage was still there. In rages POV all but rage got cleared.
  17. Also I see “skillz main” ( sup main) camping a pure. Keep up the propaganda supremacy!
  18. I like how I’m in their heads so much every time I say something it’s in one of their topics
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