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Everything posted by Immortals

  1. I agree, Imt has the most athletic and best looking rank team.
  2. LOL Jesus you’re so awkward. I can tell you never played a sport in your life. I believe the comparison you were trying to make was between the minor league and the major league. Also just as a FYI - there’s only one major league. Regardless enjoy eating your paint chips kiddo.
  3. Why move up to the try hards and spastics when you can just pistol whip blind kids for a living
  4. Word on the falador streets is divine closed. Looks like they couldn’t compete without their big brother nrg. Quick question for @Divine HQ@N uts ack@Scims@smokepurppOr @jay.How long was divine open for?
  5. Imagine not being able to bully Imt so you have to pick on a new clan
  6. Can you even consider foe as a top RuneScape clan anymore if they can get bullied that easy? Churchill would be disappointed at those Britbongs. 

    1. H I T T A

      H I T T A

      Name a pure clan that can even compete with foe? 

  7. Makes sense. Foe has always been ran by mentially weak kids.
  8. Who actually steps down for this, Rot would get bored by the second crash LOL
  9. Lmao were clan wars based now. Who cares about action in the Wildy bro!!!!!
  10. This is the kind of banter I was referring to
  11. If true, respect. Sad to see y’all go. Always thought the clan banter between Imt and nrg was top notch. Gl in endeavors. Pm me for Imt’s discord if you want to chat more!
  12. It’s actually kinda funny - Imt doesn’t even have to do anything to get under your clan’s skin. Even if you had proof, literally no one would care
  13. We have solid discord banter why else do you think virgin boy lmaooooo
  14. Too many people on my dick brotha. Too many angry kids quoting me. I had to make sure I was spreading the love
  15. Lmao that was such a sweaty answer How much do you weigh dawg?
  16. Imagine losing so much that you get excited over winning a 30v30 f2p prep in 2019 LOL
  17. Dumb idea. What’s the point of having a prep team that’s open to anyone? Fun? Fuck that, if I wanted to have fun I’d play a better video game. Enjoy hanging out with a bunch of tryhard spastics that still don’t know the order is food -> brew. @Sharkbrew WarriorThis team is perfect for you bro.
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