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Everything posted by Thinkmax92

  1. this lie ass topic....l00l Ly is there and u teled out to edge spaming "ly cleared"... hitting sf and i0 lame clan rofl
  2. L00000000000000000000l you heard all this now??!?!?!?!? The mains will be ready for zenith retards lma0 you think we off? Lol and you cut the part what drunk said after "I just don't want to fight zenith IN LEAVEL 10 " JUST HOW YOU WERE, STEP UP LMA0
  3. LMAO at how zenith had hype when it was 1v2 and then zenith dips leaving apex alone l0000000000l.
  4. L00000l when they left apex for 1v1 that shit was funny as hell "random worlds"
  5. LMAO "2-0" ????? The more you lie the more smack you get lol
  6. This is so fake lma0 "100 shooters" but not a single 1v1 and l000000000000000000000l that audio is from f2p trip lma00000000 you're playing while you're fighting at bandit.
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