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[NEWS FLASH] Hormone and Remy will be indicted for war crimes!

gay homo fagget

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Dear Sharkbrew,


We (The high court of Sharkbrew) will be sending a warrant via interpol for the arrest of @@Hormone and @@Remy for the war crimes committed this weekend against the clan Critical Damage on behalf of Doom. We class this as genocide and ethnic cleansing.


A mass grave burial was found hours after at Chaos Altar (Level 13) 




We don't usually speak to the press but got in touch with a witness from Critical Damage who went by the name @Thatboyrange 


"It was completely uncalled for, we spent 3 hours trying to defend ourselves whilst being attacked by these savages, we lost many great men and we might have to go into hibernation" 


We also got an interview with an anonymous Doom member 


"I will terrorise the so called CD to the day I die"


We apologise for our correspondent @ not forwarding this to the public, it seems he's having an identity crisis.

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Envy couldnt save you

30 main fall in couldnt save you

Raging couldn't save you

Fake aftermaths full of propaganda couldnt save you 

And now this... lmao this is what cd reduced dome to godbless

Says the guy whos clan


teams with Rage and calls Sv members to their trips

actually has 30 mains to make the cape counter look like they are winning

acts like every caller doesn't rage lolol

makes propaganda filled aftermaths when they actually get a chance to make one

has more troll accounts than sith to bump their awful aftermath topics that even their members don't believe

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