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Next mpc to move up?

Fear The Beard

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OP is the next one to move up most likely as I can't see them wasting potential in a dead scene. CD claimed they might go out during HPC times this weekend iirc so we'll see how they do and AAO isn't ready yet, especially since their ml is mostly multiclanners. They should be good to go this fall if they take the summer to recruit and replace all those multiclanners.




OP most likely

CD maybe

AAO not ready


Op tried moving up and got smacked back down in 2 weeks by supremacy, op pulls 30-35 and is nothing without their cp/dome invites. (Their pulls dropped from 70 to 35 in 3 weeks lmao)


You're kinda wrong about aao, aao would lose maybe 15 members who are ranks in hpcs like hanu dean bruins jack holydreams tyen k2p elve. AAO has the least amount of defence out of any current mpc and by far the most quality members. Most of the members joined hpcs to get more experience in p2p/f2p, while they're all loyal to aao. They also pulled 58 to a prep vs slaughter with only 5-8 ppl that would prefer their hpc over aao.Aao does have alot of work to do in p2p before they want to move up. They'll be a contender for the top spots in f2p matched, seeing as how they fought tlp/rd with mpc accounts and performed really well (matched opts too)

Expected CD, Olympus and AAO too just for the fact that they've been open for longer then a year. 

AAO turns 1 year in about a month, when you try to banter atleast get it right. There have been mpcs open for longer (cd/op) who are worse.

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Op tried moving up and got smacked back down in 2 weeks by supremacy, op pulls 30-35 and is nothing without their cp/dome invites. (Their pulls dropped from 70 to 35 in 3 weeks lmao)


You're kinda wrong about aao, aao would lose maybe 15 members who are ranks in hpcs like hanu dean bruins jack holydreams tyen k2p elve. AAO has the least amount of defence out of any current mpc and by far the most quality members. Most of the members joined hpcs to get more experience in p2p/f2p, while they're all loyal to aao. They also pulled 58 to a prep vs slaughter with only 5-8 ppl that would prefer their hpc over aao.Aao does have alot of work to do in p2p before they want to move up. They'll be a contender for the top spots in f2p matched, seeing as how they fought tlp/rd with mpc accounts and performed really well (matched opts too)

AAO turns 1 year in about a month, when you try to banter atleast get it right. There have been mpcs open for longer (cd/op) who are worse.

Wasn't really banter as much as it was the truth, sorry your feelings are fragile and took it the wrong way.

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Why is people saying OP lmfao, they tried moving up to escape from us, we showed them we would kill them anyways so they are back down because they can't fight anyone HPC.


CD won't move up, they would just merge with SV though.

Na man the fact that you merged with EOP doesn't mean other clans do the same. We don't need to move up, we can bully whoever we want in the scene we want.

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