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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/20 in Posts

  1. Savage

    Relaunch XLPC 2021

    Good job @Datassd0e
    2 points
  2. Wave

    Mascot design for BluntPurez

    Received the opportunity to work with BluntPurez which was an awesome project to work on. Really liking the outcome, let me know what you guys think. Always open for feedback, thank you. Design process: Final:
    1 point
  3. Caddie

    Relaunch XLPC 2021

    nah dont even flame. just leave it. they know what they did. gl with yalls disc if it brings some form of activity to the scene then at least the the snakery pays off.
    1 point
  4. Caddie

    Relaunch XLPC 2021

    And yet yall leeching. @Lulu thoughts?
    1 point
  5. Our goal for the new xlpc scene for 2021 is the revival of the scene without the interference of sharkbrew mods. Instead we look forward to working with the leaderships of clans in order to recreate a new and successful wave of xlpc clans for 2021. Our goal is to kickstart the scene in January so that we can give time for the leadership of other clans to get a solid memberbase together. Rather than rushing clans to push for a sudden deadline, we have decided to take it slow so that clan leaders can ease into this new scene without the the feeling of urgency. Goodluck to all participants. We also understand that some of the teams from earlier this year are attempting to revamp the scene for late November. Due to the voter turnout in our community discord, our team has determined their approach in order to revamp the scene to be unsustainable. Why? because a majority of the community agrees that starting a scene with 65-69cb prodded accounts is too competitive for new blood to enter the scene, along with the annoyance of training a maxed f2p pure. The goal of xlpc is to provide a easier way to generate newer clans into the Hpc scene. Our goal is to provide a platform that makes it easier for new blood to not only enter the scene, but also we hope to acquire new leaderships that can gain knowledge through experience where they can eventually work their way up. The current "xlpc" teams fail to recognize that focusing on maxed f2p prayer builds is not going to be sustainable enough for new blood to enter the scene because a majority of new recruits will be noobs who come from p2p due to the fact that the f2p aspect of the game is basically dead. Our team has determined that revamping the scene on 40s-50s and focusing less on meta will make a more sustainable option for new coming clans. If you are interested in being apart of this movement, or are interested in starting a new clan, feel free to shoot me a pm on discord or sharkbrew. - Rajah#8171
    1 point
  6. getting bigger and bigger day by day.
    1 point
  7. @DizzyDizzy if u put more effort into dc then you have been since the past 24hrs u returned to bp dc would still be open.
    1 point
  8. barcode leader

    Relaunch XLPC 2021

    see you there
    1 point
  9. Edgi

    Relaunch XLPC 2021

    1 point
  10. -1 points
  11. Today, us proud bears massed up a total of 35 brother bears to enter the wilderness. Awhile ago, we thought it would be a good idea to pipe up to the most decorated clan in RuneScape history, despite the fact we pull some of the lowest numbers in the entire pure clanning scene. After a 2 hour mass we finally hit 35 bears and headed into the wilderness, our trip started with a channel hop and then a channel split after being farmed by rot for 2 hours. Later on, a few of us lost +1's but we pretended to laugh as we continually got farmed. We maintained a strong 20+ in-game but it was very difficult to fight 80+ Reign of Terror Once our vennies were out of sets, we struggled to keep 15+ in game, we hoped to end the year better but we simply could not match Reign of Terror even with our paid vennies We are not impressed by our leader laughing at us, but we will do better next time!!
    -1 points
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