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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Agree. Of course things would be better if we had defense capped worlds but Jagex won't provide those unless the entire pure community comes together and asks for it (which is probably why Kim is doing these polls). The pure community is already small (though I think a large enough portion of the playerbase with Jagex trying to launch a new clans system) so if we are divided on what we want then we won't get anything. The best chance of us getting defense capped worlds is for the entire scene to be at that 1-4 or 1-25 def range rather than crashing each other with tanks and mains. A reset to 1-4 def would probably need to happen before Jagex would make a move on their end and for a reset to happen enough clan leaders would need to mutually agree to push for it.
  2. I think this fear is overblown. There will be some 88 combat tanks but it's much easier for 1 def pures to kill 88 combat tanks than it is for 107 pures to kill 126's. Most people already have max combat mains so they can always use them on weekends. Sure your tryhard nerds will create new tanks and bond them but your average member isn't going to maintain bonds on their pure, main, and 88 combat tank.
  3. Reset 1-4 def 90 combat cap. Sure, some people will make 90 combat tanks but those are easier to deal with than maxed mains and make the current maxed mains and vennies obsolete. That said, not sure how you'd be able to get leaders in all the clans to agree to this.
  4. If Ly Paige told me to leave OG right now and join LY to combine pizzas on her behalf every saturday, i would do it no questions asked
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