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Everything posted by Weak

  1. this is the most disrespectful declaration I have ever read lmaooo how can sup not accept this??
  2. @Scimsobsession with Legacy is unhealthy, especially since he has had no impact on the clan. All those countless hours you have spent to "get revenge" should have went to obtaining your high school diploma. Gz legacy. Looks like Elve won't be able to lead another midweek solo for a while.
  3. @Scimstell ur therapist to increase your antidepressant dose. you do not sound well on today's audio. solid pull and action today LY
  4. sup ranks tell @Fudog to jump and he asks how high. sounds like they are unhappy with your slave labor anyway. gz terror
  5. Foe also had 0 losses in the purple portal as they are an inactive beta clan. Looked like a clean week of minis lads
  6. can't believe foe Danny wakes up at 3am for trips just to get cleared all over the map
  7. Depressed @Scims is the final nail in the coffin for BP. Now stop wasting your time pming me on fake leak disc IDs and focus on obtaining your high school diploma  

    1. orgasms


      shut up dog ur in rage enuff said

  8. @Scimsafter hearing your audio today, I think you should talk to your therapist about increasing your antidepressant dose.
  9. imagine ddosing innocent members while your clan is getting farmed @Mercyis the pie btw @ZENITH HEAD LAWYER
  10. most dog shit leak of all time. 1 + year old, no dates, no context. Consider necking yourself.
  11. why this kid below me sharing his diary 

    1. orgasms


      ur just upset ur trash clan was in my diary

  12. You know its going to be a low impact crash when Pedo Elveymage is leading the charge
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