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Everything posted by Scrubbing

  1. holy fuck that was the best from cb levels like 13-30
  2. oh yes we should use the results of this poll and close now...use ur brain
  3. F2p: 1) Doom - better quality than CD equivalent pulls 2) CD - pulls high 3) FS / UB ...both have won fights vs each other matched opts. 4) OP .. The above clans beat them almost every fight 5) Envy strictly cuz of their pull 6) Baltics (Prestige + ST?) 7/8) IV/AAO Rest
  4. dude ur so obsessed pretty sure you're the only clan not over it LOL
  5. think you should start worrrying about not dying to CD tbh. You're obsessed
  6. so many mains today cuz the CD+ Doom v OP rivalry is back....sad trip thanks for the clean action UB, AAO, IV, Envy
  7. Thanks for the action fellas, was fun...moving forward you know you can get clean 1v1s with us.
  8. misfits absolutely mollywhopped you looool was hilarious gwasing all doom returners outside corp
  9. dude youre so obsessed with fs its hysterical
  10. ^ He's a beast, I also really like PureSpam
  11. Was fun as fuck, gz fs If you and CD pull 80+ what else is there to do when IV runs from us and envy ended after our clean 1v1. Btw get smoked east of ruins LOLOL
  12. Was funny as fuck hitting you from the south near gap holy fuck there was not 1 doom member left on the map. Real talk gz on the pull and trip looked fun!
  13. Outleveled and outclassed on the day. Congrats! Our first big prep, looking forward to more with you! I really don't understand the flame though..alternating #1 in the wildy on a given weekend. Would you like no competition I don't understand. No other LPC/MPC can pull what we both can on a given weekday or weekend..
  14. oh thats 100 % no arguing there my friend haha
  15. congrats on your win im just saying..not a legitimate prep glad we were both able to have some action after a pretty boring saturday for every clan
  16. 1. 20v20 is not a prep 2. ddosed us round 3 3. 30% of your members were above 75+ combat..you had multiple 80s too. hope you enjoyed your wilderness trip today.... LOL
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