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Everything posted by bossdark

  1. Despite all the flaming and general toxicity from a good chunk of the clan community. I sure do love you guys. Guess in the end everyone just wants to show a little pride for the name of the clan that they are part of. Joy of being competitive. Just wish the mains would stop...from everyone. I mean holy poop on a stick its gotten bad. 5 LPC clans left, and the current top 2 are an absolute shit show. Med teams camping both sides, tanks in both capes on both sides...and other pure clans throwing on a cape and ragging just to be an ass hat. Doesn't help none that both leaderships deny everything and pretend its a clean fight. Holy spaghetti monster...LPC has gotten so aids. What in the hell happened?
  2. Someone's upset that FOM+Sup lost to daddy Apex. Still confused as to why FOM keeps saying EOP+MF+Apex, when EOP and MF are closed. I mean, FOM has had their fair share of clans close into them. Also unsure why the random med teams keeps getting mentioned, when some were camping Apex as well (died to meds and raggers more than I did to FOM). Guess its EOP + MF + Apex + Randoms vs Olympus + UB + FOE + SUP + FI + Randoms Also, isn't Apex's prep record, in 2018, superior to FOMs?
  3. Legit dont know where your getting BP and IR from...for sure not Vengeance. They may have been present to kill a couple med teams that were ragging Apex...unsure. BUT MF and EOP are closed, so unsure why they were also mentioned. (Wish MF was still open, I would gladly go back). Pretty sure it was Apex vs FOE+Sup (and the couple ragging med/rev teams that I mentioned previously.)
  4. Wasn't FOE in a slump, thanks to EOP, just to have a few clans close into them? UB and Olympiss being 2?
  5. Lol Browse the forums, and you will see the questions to your answers. The pure community is overly toxic and only seeks to destroy itself. The population of pures is thriving, none of them wants to deal with the stupid shit when it comes to clanning. I mean, why would they? Who would enjoy dealing with mains and the same repeated dumb shit? The black market also thrives within clanning, something that is heavily being shunned throughout the OSRS population. Streamers being at the head of the hate against it. The pure clanning community only has itself to blame for the current dwindling state. Plus, the separation of divisions don't help any. Anytime things get shitty (mains), a different clan division is created. XLPC is dividing the community. Of course, as usual, CD will bring in the excessive toxicity (mains being part of it) into the XLPC scene. It's difficult to introduce players, that aren't recycled or familiar with the scene, if the scene is complete shit. Misfits had 2 streamers trying to showcase pure clanning. These streamers had rivals of Misfits, stream sniping them due to their affiliation. That was one of the best chances the community had of showcasing what it's about. BUT, once again, the toxicity prevailed.
  6. Serious question. Wasn't FOE in a huge ass slump due to EOP at one point? Just to have Olympiss and some other no namer clan, close into FOE? I know Olympiss did, I'm pretty sure another one did as well though...haven't kept up with the shit pure community much in 2018. What's the difference? Atleast Apex had a couple decent clans close into them. EOP not so decent, but Misfits were actually starting to hit another peak when they closed.
  7. Sup was specifically saying to target green capes. FOE also started with the mains first sir. Don't get me wrong, wish EOP would be booted since im sure our mains came from them... EOP may have closed, but they still won the rivalry. They made FOE do shit that they wouldn't have done before the rivalry heated up. The motto "Never cheat, never lie, Final Ownage Elite till I die," no longer exists. It's sad...wish Ace would come along and force you all to have a name change.
  8. Gj FOE+Sup+FI+Mains FOE had mains from the very start btw. Sad how tainted the FOE name has become due to current leadership...
  9. Don't understand why the pure community has to keep splitting into different divisions? Why can't xlpc just train and move up to lpc? Pure community is so fucking retarded. Its destined to constantly repeat the same shit over and over due to cancer trying to repeatedly destroy it... By the end of the year, we will all be on level 3s throwing wind strike at each other...
  10. Naw 1 def 4 life. The zerk/tank/med scene, has died off more times than EOP has closed...and thats A LOT.
  11. Please just stay closed this time. EOP has always been a cancerous tumor that has no purpose.
  12. Cause Sharkbrew is toxic, and the few clans that are left, are starting to realize that posting on SB is pointless. Shits only gonna get worse. Clan scene is dieing... Weekends are getting stale. The first hour, everyone is afraid to fight each other due to fear of losing. Then what fights are paired together, is instantly crashed by FOE and/or mains and/or rivals. Things will only get worse. The top 2 pulling clans will be FOE and Apex. Everyone else will be gapped too low. Doesn't help none that every clan thinks they are #1 and mains are destroying the pure scene.
  13. Grats y'all Was in wg for a bit myself...when kenshln was a warlord/pk leader. I remember the times of destroying rot...and dying to di and rsd multiple times. Miss them days...
  14. Pretty sure Zee closed MF, not shittality. MF's core still ain't done with you, don't worry. :)
  15. Was fun Never knew FI was that bad. Legit got cleared EVERY time they tried to pipe up. Glad I decided against joining them...
  16. 2006, when clans actually half respected each other. Best era on the game for clanning...pures and mains both.
  17. Return tests are just dumb imo. Takes NO effort to return anymore.
  18. Naw, rather stick to weekends only. I work Fridays myself.
  19. Pretty sure you were hiding in Mogtimes capes for a good portion. But eh, whatever floats your goat.
  20. Both clans have pussy ass leaders that lie to their members with false propaganda. Neither clan will ever full out each other due to the aftermath effects.
  21. Sucks knowing that sharkbrew will be all that's left. The active sharkbrew community is concentrated with toxicity. I'd say a new community will be created to replace zybez. Sharkbrew is too toxic...
  22. Most hated Most propaganda from a single clan. Most autistic members. Having the most autistic leadership. Using the most mains. Uhhhhh...that's about it? They claim to be #1 pure clan for a couple years straight (even though they've closed 3 times during the 2 years). Can't really claim to be a pure clan when ya can't compete without mains.. Really haven't accomplished anything. Its easy to be toxic and hated. Harder to actually be a competing clan.
  23. Didn't know Sharkbrew was so famous. Happy autism day Sharkbrew!!!
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