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Money Mayweather

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Everything posted by Money Mayweather

  1. now i bully him out of the wild & clan wars on bs instead LMFAO
  2. How do you step down in a clan that isn't officially open?
  3. When internet or site = no good or almost down it means it has to load in HTML to make it possible to load for you.
  4. Dam Orbi gets respected and takes up the roll of mediator. Good going, never seen a mature version of you yet.
  5. Know 2 names out of this list, gratz to those! (Mediators) For the others, who the fk?
  6. Open your new site all you want, but at the end of the day you still visit Sharkbrew. You may not post but you're still adding views for Slush's adbot so he ent gonna give a brown sticky stuff.

    1. messi


      and vise versa XD

    2. 17_
    3. Money Mayweather

      Money Mayweather

      Nah I don't even know the other site lmfao. Don't care enough.

  7. You heard it boys, I believe this message still stands? At the start of every trip, kill Fatality. Would sound good to me if it was possible to kill them in the lobby screen.
  8. Won't work. Clans can't compete, would be at least 1 clan to take level 30s in mith.
  9. So you're essentially saying that Sharkbrew is back to being a pures only community? Don't get me wrong, I agree it should be pures only... But coming from you since Rev basically being the only OFFICIAL 40+ Def clan (I say official because every pure clan is a main clan), it seems quite bias. Pretty sure your aim was to not be bias? Evidently you're quite bias... Rev broke you enough for you to try and get them away from Sharkbrew?... That's kind of embarassing...
  10. Pure base isn't. Again completely ignoring the fact about MAINS, not 39 def. MAINS. It's the mains that ruin the clanning scene, nothing to do with the defence levels. And regardless of the fact the games playerbase is growing, the people that actually play the game are the people that actually skill and PVM AKA mains. The game we play is dying, not the game they play.
  11. Game is dying lmfao. at the end of the day the game was so much more active in the past. The people that play now aren't pures, pures are just a history to the game because they already died out. Probably because HPCs are 30+ def, but at the end of the day it's too late. And you completely ignored the fact that I said 1-20 def wouldn't change the state of the pure clanning scene since clans like CP will forever take mains.
  12. At the end of the day, pures aren't even 1-25 def. Pures have mostly been considered as 1-20 def, and before that 1-10 def. At the end of the day even 1-25 def should've never happened; so what's the difference making it 1-39. If you want pures, it should've never went past 20. Although, technically a pure is any account that limits any stat under 99 on purpose, aka a pure could be 75 attack 99 def... To reply to the topic: It's almost 2017, the game is dying. To make a new account just to attempt a restart on a dying game is typically a waste of time. The economy on the game is going to brown sticky stuff like pre-eoc GP getting cheaper and cheaper. But that's besides the point, even changing the def levels to 1-20 wouldn't change the fact that clans like CP will always bring mains and pure clanning will forever be fucked.
  13. Heh 17 ^^^^ EOP clearly... Wtf? Tyler - Obvious... Elver - Mexican lmfao? Murd - Half dutch (dutch = broccolied)... Danny - Danny is Danny Jojo - washes dishes for a living... Nick - Nick is Nick
  14. Same reason to why the leader of the clans I listed have the rank.
  15. Not sure what you're on about. If we banned mains from this forum, we'd be banning UB, CP, SUP and the rest of them that take mains. These clans do exactly what Rev did. - Leak boards. - Snipe pure clans.
  16. Are you cauliflower? They only increased the accuracy, not the ranged strength of the Light Ballista, it doesn't do near the same amount of damage the Heavy Ballista does/did. ACB is better.
  17. Ignored this topic too LOL R I P you. He viewed it and still didn't post. Who even is he, never even heard of him lmao.
  18. That would be cute if I was actually in EOP LOL go ahead, EOP would still out main you
  19. Where's the don't give a brown sticky stuff LPCs are broccolied and think they're relevant option?
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