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Everything posted by auwi

  1. stay broken 38-35=1 ..... foe logic l0000l
  2. Oh no people online dont like me.... No!!!!!
  3. 38-35=3... not 1 no wonder all foe kids are high school drop outs that either joined the military or took gap years lmao losers
  4. (Unbiased opinion) I’m still stunned that eop destroyed foe in a 150v150 this past weekend yet eop closed. Is Dull actually trying to join rot again? If true, then it’s honestly a shame.
  5. eop definitely closed but let us not forget how eop bullied sv when they reopened in the pure scene to the point where hittin had to make excuses to why he didnt want to lead anymore and beast stayed as far away from sv as possible lmao.
  6. April fools LMFAO!

  7. Im sorry arent you a random doom kid who has a max cape? Lmfao go get a life.
  8. EoP is the single greatest pure clan to ever exist in this game. Unfortunately all good things come to an end, and I wish nothing but the best for alleop members and their future endeavors. Who knows what the pure scene will become now. Pure clanning without EoP is like food without salt, religion without a god, sun without heat....
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