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Everything posted by Dynamic

  1. gf guys, was fun to do some high opts fights, shame that misfits is only crashing all weekend long instead of letting other clans have some 1v1 action
  2. had a good time with the boys in green, gf all
  3. r u guys actually posting these sharkbrew topic links to ur members asking them to shittalk foe on it?
  4. They gonna decline it and claim to be #1 by only fighting at gdz with 500 mains, they are and always will be scum.
  5. If eop happens to get a 180+ml with doom joining them and pull like 100+ every weekend then yea idk wtf is going to happen l0l
  6. is this like the new xlpc version of fearless? Also why does xlpc even exist when lpc is 10 times more active and getting the reqs for most clans takes little to no effort
  7. I'm just glad i'm not involved in this bullshit because i joined an actual pure clan, hope u two don't torture ur members again with shitty trips full of mains.
  8. By foe's logic supremacy was #1 f2p matched for about 2 weeks as well because they won the latest f2p prep between them. U guys are truly the kings of overhyping urself, bet it's a requirment to be able to suck ur own dick to join foe. -Not an apex member
  9. impressive pull and pretty solid victory, hope u guys prep another time within a month
  10. u gotta recap every weekend
  11. Just please do it without mains, keep the scene clean Not saying you are the only clan bringing mains but don't lower yourself to other clans standards.
  12. shoulda done p2p inners lol its embarrassing to suck at your only server
  13. lets see how many people get baited to leave their clan for a fake opening this time
  14. Fun clean fights against foe, fun not so clean fights against fearless, hope to see no runite next time
  15. That's nice, if you pull like that you shouldn't have any issues with combat the disadvantage early on
  16. go train and move to lpc like others are doing already, xlpc is dead
  17. tfw u walk past an ir vs supremacy fight and you see as many mains as pures, god bless anyone on either clan

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mustafa


      yeh makes sense when im banned from envy l0l try next one

    3. Don Elmir
    4. slime


      That's from supremacy ts lol cmon men

  18. clearly the scene wouldve died without misfits
  19. Most active at revs maybe, u suck at prepping in ur only server and don't go out on saturday, perfect clan for noobs to get into clanning id say
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