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Status Updates posted by Ari

  1. My last Brew topic had more replies on it than RSWarefare had posts on their site today....LMFAO

  2. Bradyb is the new ditter

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Leen


      both randy tards

    3. Persian Tom
    4. Doc-


      isnt ari renowned for looking like a goat irl?

  3. If your clan is on a 15x loss streak in preps u shouldnt be posting on the brew. That's what RSW was made for people!

  4. if u cant stand the heat, go join rsw LMFAO

    1. Bizo


      nigga shut up

    2. Ari
    3. Kenan


      Yeah bizo u shut up

  5. Breaking news. This just in: Doom & POOP still trying to remain relevant! Stay tuned for updates on more to come!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ari


      @Flurky who the fuck is opening a XLPC lmfao that scene is more dead than envy

    3. Purley


      Yeah I agree both are dogbrown sticky stuff and bring mains/ random kids from the ge in f2p worlds

    4. TheKing


      i see your still a broccoli you ugly rat

  6. Not tryna name names but......As a new clan opens 1 will close. Stay tuned summoners!

  7. I heard my friends over at Supremacy, EOP, and CD are about to close Doom. Can anyone confirm?

  8. Bunch of pures beat rot for $10k. #TheBrew

  9. My last status update got more replies to it than adam's leaving topic

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gopper


      thats wut happens when u win DMM seasonal, the bitches come hollering

    3. Adam_


      Your good looking irl ari

    4. cassidy
  10. Got a feeling some LPCs will be closing soon

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Ari


      lmao this status has more replies than a doom aftermath topic

    3. Cotton Picker

      Cotton Picker



      this zenith remake is ass good job not being apart of it


      because my elite team of clan closers are going to end doom for good

    4. Flex


      yea cd will close doom lahmao

  11. Who here didn't ask?

    1. Brap


      Checked browser history there was no ask.

    2. Andy


      Looked down the hallway, there was no ask


  12. Representing the pure community.

  13. How are my sharkbrewvians

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sad
    3. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      iron botting was my favourite series of anything related to ironman, i miss u ari

    4. zetro
  14. wtf happened, doom and cd not buddies anymore :( ?

    1. Bounty
    2. Ari


      lmao i remember when ppl used to use fake sharkbrew accounts scared to show their real name over their grease covered keyboards lmfao

  15. Heard dome lost a prep to olympus LMFAO.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MyOverheads






    3. Kanicus


      You'll come crying back Goat boy

    4. Ari


      yall so triggered hahaha

  16. I put 16k shark dollars on eop and their leader quits. Jesus christ.

  17. @Brandon @Moni works on weekends u broccoli, where u gonna camp him at

  18. In honor of defending my Rank 1 Sharkbettor status I have gone all in on EOP. $16k on the line, will EOP let me down? Find out this Thursday!

  19. Any sharkbets soon?

    1. Whoppa


      rage vs foe this week

    2. Andy


      We'll be making more of a fuss of sharkbet

    3. Cotton Picker

      Cotton Picker

      [15:10] <Zach> did we not help u with these fs retards

      [15:10] <Zach> or not

      [15:10] <Zach> ??

      [15:10] <Hormone> WHAT

      [15:10] <Hormone> CAN WE DO

      [15:10] <Hormone> WE ARE FIGTHING

      [15:10] <Hormone> DOWN 20

      [15:11] <Zach> i thought that was the problem last week when they were fucking campoing u with 40 mains

      [15:11] <Hormone> what do u want us to do

      [15:11] <Hormone> if we're literally

      [15:11] <Hormone> getting hit by 90 cd

      [15:12] <Hormone> explain to me

  20. StrikeTeam wouldnt stand a chance vs Doom in an irl prep

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. trump


      Aren't you working on a 10 year plan to join the airforce?

    3. Seven


      l000l. Control, I'm the only one in ST with 25 defence while Legend is the only one with 30 (he sat during our prep against you and you still got your asses kicked)

    4. Kanicus


      In vlad I trust

  21. cya @Singles thanks for $130

    1. Papa Bear
    2. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Load of brown sticky stuff

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