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Status Updates posted by Mewtwo47

  1. when ruin has more sharkbrew accs than members lmao

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Howl


      When Olympus gets bullied up to HPC then back to MPC lmfao, stfu and make a choice lmfao, mfw bullied out of every scene

    3. Mewtwo47


      is it hard to hear soniqs call with the food in his mouth?

    4. Kanicus
  2. lmfao rage talking ab their leaks in other clans when there are 3 leaks in there from olympus alone god knows how many from other clans

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Waifu Pillow

      Waifu Pillow

      Olympus are dog brown sticky stuff lmao kys

    3. ultama


      "You should leak the ts recordings of when we beat you in p2p and f2p with a -3



      I agree lmfa0 I wonder who was spitting all over their screen

    4. TLPSmoker1


      My rage leak is embeded in their forums, still to this day they try to remove it however you've not found the right file.

  3. Pop Pop watching ruin drop

  4. so much Xlpc drama that I just cba to care about

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bigmanting


      Op is best mpc though right?

    3. Ace Krave

      Ace Krave

      its lpc* i dont see 4 clanning brackets do u?

    4. Mewtwo47
  5. CD Broken [X] Not Broken [ ]

  6. Great work out there today guys :) woot woot pure clanning woot woot

  7. No mains in clan wars lmao

    1. Georgiie


      you had fucking 3 lvl 105s lmao cya this weekend, il bring 2000 mains on ur ass boi

    2. Mewtwo47


      No mains no cd

    3. puff puff rage
  8. Anyone down to take a 3 month pause on clanning to do dmm?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mewtwo47


      CD just salty cuz their phones keep getting hit off :X


    3. Itz_stalker


      id wanna take a break too if i was OP lmao

    4. Mewtwo47


      dmm isnt till next year :X

  9. "Steve phone" dropped (connection lost)

    1. Mewtwo47


      Why the fuck would they hit off a phone? lmao

    2. Downyz


      what kind of timestamp is 157:18

  10. lmao ruin you peaked at 55 with PoP already in ur capes, get me one pic of you with 100 opts plz

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mewtwo47


      Damn weird how we fought them in trips and he is banned from ts

    3. TBR


      you banned the hand that feeds you

    4. Georgiie


      l0l olympiss is dead

  11. Ty for Prep ruin was very ez gz on ur first p2p mini win you seem very excited

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Evade


      @wuu2 out of all the flavours you choose to be salty? damn feelsbadman

    3. nICK2


      @Evade im not salty dont u forget it was 1-1 im laughin im not mad lol

    4. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      thanks for the action!

  12. every occasion I hop on the brew i peep similar statuses- just rephrased. Gross!

    1. Georgiie


      i killed ur clan mate... just leave sb

    2. manboob69
    3. Aged k0

      Aged k0

      u suck and smell bad

  13. paying 200k for ruin locs (deal only for a limited time(cuz they are so brown sticky stuff get it?(wow they fucking suck)))

    1. Kevv


      i get it but im just not laughing

    2. nICK2


      poor banter lol

    3. Ir0ny


      Fuck yeah, make it 500k and i'll give boards

  14. @CD If you are going to have a kid with 8 different sharkbrew accs make troll posts that's fine. Can you just pick someone who is slightly funny?

    1. ZZZ7


      it's funny when u realize lil ahmad spends his friday/saturday nights doing it too lmfao

    2. ZZZ7


      oh and his birthday!

    3. manboob69


      agreed, they're nothin but annoying

  15. Ruin has to wait for invites for an hour and a half just to only meet the min in round 3 lmao stay ez.

    1. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      funny how it was only matched in r3 and they took that round r0f

    2. Mewtwo47


      They had a plus 1 round 3 since it was 2 hrs past chall time and a lot of our guys had to leave/go to work

  16. Shout out to CD for saying they cleared olympus but having only a 1 minute vid of some spastic clearing guys in gray hats 1v1. Stay ez and ty for giving all our future apps a taste of blood!

    1. ZZZ7


      they have pics from months ago lmfao. i even see my blessed ss killing one of their members

    2. Georgiie


      You guys seem mad ahahha hilarious, you will begg once you b3come like envy lmaooo

  17. Cwars boosting? is it still up who should i pm/pay?

    1. موني


      Poke Doom kids they do it

    2. Parm


      @Moni poke me world when u have em i need halo

  18. Grats to cd for peaking at 85 on ts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tyga
    3. Mewtwo47


      I scout and I saw your mass plus we have ts leaks but good try though !!!!!1!!!!

    4. TBR


      well you'd know we had 96 people then.

  19. Shout out to the CD kids not realizing hercules is CP Andre

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kevv


      i know who both u are

    3. Mewtwo47


      You can figure that out but you can't figure out how to unslump ruin :/

    4. RU Mike

      RU Mike

      What if im Mewto???

  20. Wow cd going from threats to kill Olympus to getting cleared to single begging clans to come and getting fucked regardless. You said you would drive us to closure. The tables have turned hope you can maintain a 20 pull after february.

    1. Tribey0


      heard u had more invites then members lol

    2. Ari


      cd got dicked

    3. Mewtwo47


      I heard CD got slammed

  21. I agree CD is getting bullied

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